Conference Dailys TRADETech FX Daily 2018 Wrap-up | Page 8

THETRADETECHFX DA I LY interview THE BIG INTERVIEW: ALAN MARQUARD CHIEF STRATEGY AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICER AT CLS, ALAN MARQUARD, SITS DOWN WITH THE TRADETECH FX DAI- LY TO DISCUSS THE BUY-SIDE’S INCREASINGLY ACTIVE ROLE IN FX SETTLEMENT, THE IMPORTANCE OF THE FX GLOB- AL CODE OF CONDUCT FOR THE INDUSTRY, AND PROVIDE AN UPDATE ON CLS’ RECENT BLOCKCHAIN PROJECTS. What are some of the settlement challenges your buy-side clients are currently facing? And would you agree the buy-side is increasingly more active in managing settlement risk? Alan Marquard: A key challenge for the buy-side is reducing costs. Part of that can be achieved through improving operational efficiency, but there is also a drive towards so- phistication of understanding trade processes and quality of client service levels, as well as ensuring appropriate levels of risk mitigation and risk management. With that comes a need for greater visibility into every step of the trade lifecycle. The buy-side is evidently more focused on managing settlement risk, and the reason we know that is two-fold. Until a couple of years ago, CLS dealt almost exclusively with its settlement members, but in the last couple of years we have proactively talked with the buy-side and heard first-hand the increased focus on settlement risk mitigation. Also, we have seen greater use of the CLSSettlement service. For example, over the past year, the average gross value settled by third-party participants has increased by 18%. In addition to the organic growth in activity in the FX market as a whole, we see the buy-side as a sector becoming more active. To help with the need for greater visibility, we recently launched CLSTradeMonitor, which allows non-settlement members, or those without direct access to CLSSettle- ment, to see the matching and settlement sta- tus of their own trades. Previously they had to rely on an intermediary for this information. The buy-side now wants to understand their liquidity and settlement risk positions in real-time. What has been driving the increase in traded volumes seen at CLS so far this year? AM: The key driver has been increased volatility in the FX market due to ongoing geopolitical themes. That uncertainty creates 8 THETRADETECHFX DAILY Issue 2