Conference Dailys TRADETech FX Daily 2018 Wrap-up | Page 6

THETRADETECHFX DA I LY latest news TRADING VENUES CRYPTO Thomson Reuters closes deal with Blackstone, rebrands as Refinitiv BLACKSTONE PLANS TO CONTINUE INVESTING IN THE NEWLY-REBRANDED Fidelity Investments unveils dedicated crypto trading and custody business REFINITIV BUSINESS FOLLOWING CLOSURE OF THE $17 BILLION DEAL. NEW BUSINESS KNOWN AS FIDELITY DIGITAL ASSETS WILL OFFER CUSTODY AND TRADE EXECUTION OF CRYPTO- CURRENCIES. F T homson Reuters has closed the sale of a 55% interest in the company’s Financial & Risk compa- ny to private equity firm Blackstone, and has now rebranded the unit as Refinitiv. As part of the deal, Thomson Reuters said that it received approximately $17 billion in gross cash proceeds, $10 billion of which will be returned to shareholders through a substantial issuer bid/ten- der (SIB) offer process. Of the remaining $7 billion, Thomson Reuters added that $4 billion will be redeemed as debt, $2 billion will be kept as cash on its balance sheet to fund acquisitions, and $1 billion will cover transac- tion-related costs. Now the deal has been completed, Thomson Reuters Financial & Risk has been renamed Refinitiv, with the firm’s flagship Eikon and Elektron desktop services expected to continue to be a pivotal part of the business. “This is a unique moment in our 160-year history as the Financial & Risk business of Thomson Reuters now steps forward as Refinitiv,” said David Craig, CEO of Refinitiv. “We firmly believe that efficient, transparent and trusted markets are good for all and that Ref- initiv’s role is at the heart of this, providing access to clean and consistent data on a global scale… Refinitiv will continue to deliver the critical data, insights and open technology infrastructure that the market has come to expect.” The consortium of investors, led by Blackstone and including the Canadian Pension Plan Invest- ment Board, also said that the new Refinitiv business will invest in a number of areas, including content coverage, artificial intelligence and analytics across the Eikon and Elektron platforms for buy-side trading, wealth and banking clients. “We are pleased to close this landmark partnership transaction with Thomson Reuters,” added Martin Brand, senior managing director, Blackstone. “Blackstone is excited to invest in Refinitiv to pursue a business plan focused on accelerating growth through innovation, in partnership with Refinitiv’s customers.” 6 THETRADETECHFX DAILY Issue 2 idelity Investments has confirmed that it will launch a new company for the custody and trade execution of digital assets in a major move for the cryptocurrency industry. Known as Fidelity Digital Assets, the company will offer trading and custody of cryptocurren- cies to institutional investors such as hedge funds, family offices and market intermedi- aries, the $7.2 trillion asset manager said in a statement. The firm added that although there are many retail service providers currently available in the market, there is a gap in support for institu- tions looking to enter the space, citing research from Greenwich Associates which found that 70% of institutional finance executives believe cryptocurrencies will have a place in the future of the industry. “Our goal is to make digitally-native assets, such as bitcoin, more accessible to investors,” said Abigail Johnson, CEO of Fidelity Invest- ments. “We expect to continue investing and experimenting, over the long-term, with ways to make this emerging asset class easier for our clients to understand and use.” Fidelity Digital Assets will provide a secure and compliant storage solution for Bitcoin, Ether and other digital assets, consisting of cold storage, multi-level physical and cyber controls for security. It will also use its internal crossing engine and smart order router for trade execu- tion of cryptocurrencies, allowing for execution at multiple market venues. “We started exploring blockchain and digital assets several years ago, and those efforts have been successful in helping us understand and advance our thinking around cryptocurrencies,” said Tom Jessop, head of Fidelity Digital Assets. “The creation of Fidelity Digital Assets is the first step in a long-term vision to create a full-service enterprise-grade platform for digital assets. “With Fidelity Digital Assets, we’re building a scalable infrastructure for digital assets that meets the expectations of what it means to work with Fidelity.”