Community Education program brochures Preschool Parent Handbook 2024-2025 school year | Page 6

Health and Safety

Accident notification
If there is an accident or injury , staff will take the necessary care for the child including :
• Administering necessary first-aid .
• Contacting parent / caregiver of accident and first-aid applied . If appropriate , the parent / caregiver may be asked to pick the child up .
If immediate emergency treatment is needed , staff will contact 911 immediately . A parent or caregiver will be contacted directly after 911 call .
If your child has allergies ( including food allergies ) contact your child ’ s teacher . You will be asked to complete an Allergy Alert Plan .
When should my child stay home ?
• If there is a temperature of 100 degrees or more . Temperature must be normal 98.6 degrees ) for 24 hours without the use of feverreducing medication .
Scan the code for the full Is My Child Well Enough To Go To School policy
• Vomiting , diarrhea , any undiagnosed rash , discharge from eye , ears or heavy nasal discharge , severe cold symptoms .
Exposure to communicable diseases ( such as Coronavirus / COVID-19 , scabies , whooping cough , measles , ringworm , fifth disease , mumps , chicken pox , impetigo , diphtheria , scarlet fever , strep throat , hand , foot and mouth disease ) should be reported to classroom teacher . If your child is contagious they may not attend preschool until 24-hours after medication begins or released by doctor . For strep throat , child may return to preschool 12-hours after medication has been started .
If your child becomes ill at school , a parent or authorized person will be called to take your child home .
Keep your family information up-to-date .
Notify the classroom teacher and main preschool office if there are any changes to your address , phone numbers , email addresses , health information , or persons authorized to pick up your child during the school year .
If your child is ill , call the classroom and bus company ( if applicable ) each day to make them aware of the absence . Kottkes ’ Bus Service : 763-755-3100 , ext . 1 First Student Anoka : 763-421-3199 First Student Champlin : 763-421-5785 NorthStar Bus : 763-425-2542 See Classroom Guide for classroom phone number .
Safety drills
Fire , tornado , and lockdown drills are practiced throughout the school year . Staff plan carefully to make drill practices a positive experience for the children . Talk with your child ’ s teacher if you have any questions about safety drills in preschool .