Community Education program brochures Preschool Parent Handbook 2024-2025 school year | Page 5

Weather-related school closings
Positive Behavior Guidance
Preschool staff uses positive behavior guidance to help children learn how to interact with others and use the classroom materials . Children are taught skills to regulate their behaviors and emotions .
If you are contacted regarding your child ’ s behavior in school , you will be expected to work with school staff on a positive behavior intervention plan to ensure a safe and secure classroom for all children and staff .
Children in general education preschool spots must be toilet trained to attend preschool . Teachers can provide verbal guidance if necessary . This means a child knows when they need to use the bathroom and can independently take care of their own personal needs . Pull-up diapers are not a substitute for being toilet trained . If a child is experiencing toileting accidents in school , the parent or a caregiver may be asked to postpone attendance in preschool until the child is completely toilet trained .
Tuition payments
• Initial payment includes a $ 49 non-refundable registration fee and the last month of tuition for the school year , if applicable . No payment is made until the child ’ s class is confirmed .
• Recurring tuition payments to the account provided at registration will begin August 1 , 2024 for September tuition and continue each month until March 1 , 2025 . Tuition payments are due on the first of the month . If payment is not received by the last business day of the month this may result in terminination from the preschool program . You will receive email communication to notify you of this .
• Recurring tuition payments are automatically charged to the bank account or credit card ( Visa , MasterCard , Discover or American Express ) provided at registration .
It is the policy of the Anoka-Hennepin School District to maintain a positive , safe and secure learning and working environment . No weapons or items that look like weapons ( toy guns , knives , etc .) are allowed at school , on the school bus or on school property . If a child brings a weapon or item that looks like a weapon to school , the parent will be called and an appropriate plan to address the situation will be made .
Weather-related school closings
When snow or cold weather limits the ability to provide student transportation to and from school Anoka-Hennepin Schools may close .
Where can you find updates on school closings ?
facebook . com / AnokaHennepinECFEandPreschool
instagram com / AnokaHennepinECFEandPreschool
763-506-1000 WCCO , KSTP , FOX 9 , KARE 11 , CCX
WCCO radio
Preschool classes are not made up nor is a credit issued for cancellations due to emergency or weather-related closings .

Program Information