Community Education program brochures Preschool Parent Handbook 2024-2025 school year | Page 4

Program Information

Regular attendance is very important for a child ’ s learning and school experience .
If a child must be absent , call the classroom and bus company ( if applicable ) to make them aware of the absence .
Kottkes ’ Bus Service : 763-755-3100 , ext . 1 First Student Anoka : 763-421-3199 First Student Champlin : 763-421-5785 NorthStar Bus : 763-425-2542 See classroom guide for classroom phone numbers .
• If a child misses two class days in a row with no phone call from a parent / guardian , the teacher will call the child ’ s home .
• If additional days are missed with no communication , the preschool program will follow-up with the parent / guardian .
• If a child misses a total of five or more days with no communication the child may be dropped from the preschool program .
We help children celebrate their special day with a crown / tiara , birthday song , and / or certificate from the teachers . If your family does not celebrate birthdays , please let staff know .
Cell phone guidance
Please avoid cell phone use . Please be present , teachers have important information to share at pick-up and drop-off .
Class withdrawal
If you need to withdraw your child ’ s enrollment from preschool class , please call the main preschool office at 763-506-1500 . If there is tuition paid when a withdrawal occurs after the start of a month , there is no refund for that current month ; any prepaid tuition will be refunded .
Fees for late student pick-up :
All families are required to provide a credit card or bank account to be kept on file . Parents / guardians need to pick up their child at the scheduled end time of class . You will be assessed a $ 10 late fee if you are 10 minutes late to pick up your child . You will be charged an additional $ 1 for every minute after the first ten minutes . If you are 12 minutes late , the late fee will be $ 12 . If you are more than 30 minutes late and we have not heard from you or successfully reached an emergency contact , the police will be contacted for assistance . Repeated late pick-ups or failure to pay late fees may result in termination from the preschool program .
When a child is picked up late :
• The teacher will provide the late pick-up notice form .
• The card / account on file will be charged .
• You will receive an email notifying you of the date , time , and amount of the charge .
Parent visitation during classtime
The District ’ s preschool program generally operates on a limited schedule of two hours and forty-five minutes for each instructional day . Given the short instructional day , visits from parents during the instructional day for preschool students are typically not allowed . Exceptions will be made only on a case-by-case basis . Exceptions might include family emergencies , student health related needs or other unique circumstances that necessitate immediate access to the student .
Scan the code for the full Parents Visits policy