Community Education - current class catalogs Youth activities and classes - summer 2018 | Page 4

PLAY Wear comfortable clothing and gym shoes. Bring a nut-free snack, water bottle and sunscreen/bug spray for outdoor activities. ARCHERY There is more to active life than traditional sports. Ignite your passion for sports by way of bow and arrow. Each day you’ll learn the safety, technique and fun of archery, a sport that dates back hundreds of years. Presented by AKASport. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jul 23 M-Th OVMS Grades 1-4 1 10 am-Noon CS154-3R7-SU01 $105 ($55) Jul 23 M-Th OVMS Grades 5-8 1 1-3 pm CS154-3R7-SU02 $105 ($55) BASKETBALL JR. GOLF PROGRAM Learn rules, etiquette and how to play the game of golf including challenges such as a pitching contest – including prizes and trophies. This is a skill that you’ll enjoy FORE!ever. Held at Rum River Hills Golf Course, 6659 St. Francis Blvd, Ramsey. 18-HOLE Date/Day Location Who Jun 14 Th Golf Course Grades 7-12 Wks Time Number 9 CS154-3R14-SU $179 ($89) 7-11 am Fee 9-HOLE Date/Day Location Who Jun 14 Th Golf Course Grades 3-8 Wks Time Number 9 Fee You’ll want to jump at this chance to build your basketball skills including dribbling, passing, shooting, teamwork and confidence. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jun 25 M-Th OVMS Grades 1-4 1 10 am-Noon CS154-3R3-SU01 $49 ($25) Jun 25 M-Th OVMS Grades 5-8 1 1-3 pm CS154-3R3-SU02 $49 ($25) CHEER-DANCE Go team go! With an emphasis on fun you’ll learn the components of this energizing sport including tumbling, dance choreography, cheers, stunting and more. No class July 3-5. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jun 19 T/Th OVMS Grades 1-4 4 5-6 pm CS154-3D4-SU $79 ($39) Jun 19 T/Th OVMS Grades 5-8 4 6-8 pm CS154-3D5-SU $109 ($55) FENCING Fencing is deemed the “sport of the intellectual athlete!” Headed up by Olympic Coach Ro Sobalvarro, new students will be introduced to a pulse-pounding sport, while returning students continue their study. Safety is our priority. Wear long pants. Presented by Youth Enrichment League. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jul 30 M-Th OVMS Grades 2-5 1 9 am-Noon CS154-3R6-SU01 $135 ($69) Jul 30 M-Th OVMS Grades 6-8 1 1-4 pm CS154-3R6-SU02 $135 ($69) 7:30-9 am CS154-3R15-SU $129 ($65) FLAG FOOTBALL Flag Football is the perfect introduction to “America’s Game.” Learn passing, catching, and defense – all in a fun, positive environment. The week ends with a Super Bowl to showcase your skills on the gridiron! Includes T-shirt and award. Presented by Skyhawks. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jul 16 M-Th OVMS Grades 1-4 1 9 am-Noon CS154-3R13-SU $99 ($49) 2 Register at