Community Education - current class catalogs Youth activities and classes - summer 2018 | Page 3

TRIPS Field Trips: Join us for some exciting, mid-week fun! Each week includes two unique field trips. Parent/guardian is responsible for transportation to and from Oak View Middle School. EAGLES NEST AND BUNKER STABLES Let your imagination run wild at the Eagles Nest as you scale an eight foot climbing wall, zoom down a triple slide, take a 23 foot Web Tower challenge, hang in a foam forest, and more. Enjoy a hayride and touring where gentle draft horses live at Bunker Stables. Bring a bag lunch. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jun 20 W OVMS Grades 1-4 1 9:30 am-3 pm CS154-3R17-SU $49 ($25) BOWLING AND CONQUER NINJAS Strike! Hit the lanes for an awesome bowling adventure at Andover Lanes. After lunch we’re off to visit Conquer Ninjas Athletics where you will be a Ninja Warrior for the day. Have fun increasing your strength and balance training with a real Ninja Warrior. Bring a bag lunch. Concessions available. Waiver required. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jun 27 W OVMS Grades 5-8 1 9:45 am-3 pm CS154-3R8-SU $69 ($35) PUMP IT UP AND WARGO NATURE CENTER Let’s pump up the fun! Have a great time while you jump, slide, bounce and climb at Pump It Up in Ham Lake. After lunch, we will head out to Wargo Nature Center to play in the dirt. Explore creepy, crawly insects and the habitats of our where outdoor creatures live. Lunch included. Waiver required. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jul 11 W OVMS Grades 1-4 1 9:30 am-3 pm CS154-3R9-SU $49 ($25) GEOCACHING AND SURVIVAL SKILLS Get outdoors! Practice making fires, building shelters and other survival skills. Go on a global scavenger hunt and use GPS to find geocaching treasures around Wargo Nature Center. Bring sunscreen, a water bottle and bag lunch. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jul 18 W OVMS Grades 5-8 1 9:30 am-3:30 pm CS154-3R18-SU $39 ($19) URBAN AIR AND MORE Join your friends on these fun field trips to Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park. Experience a wide range of activities including trampoline dodgeball, Urban Warrior battle beam, climbing walls, rope courses, sky rider indoor roller coaster, slam dunk zone and more. Lunch and snack included. Waiver required. OPEN SWIM After Urban Air we’ll cool off with an afternoon of splashing, swimming and floating at the Roosevelt Middle School Pool. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jul 25 W OVMS Grades 1-4 1 9:30 am-3:30 pm CS154-3R11 -SU $65 ($35) DISC GOLF After Urban Air we’ll continue our exciting day playing Disc Golf. Learn a variety of ways to throw your disc toward designated baskets and get the lowest score to win. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Aug 1 W OVMS Grades 5-8 1 9:30 am-3 pm CS154-3R10-SU $69 ($35) Anoka-Hennepin Community Education 763-506-5955 1