Community Education - current class catalogs Youth activities and classes - summer 2018 | Page 5

GOLF Don’t miss this opportunity to practice golf through station-based, full-swing, chipping and putting instruction. Learn the science behind the game as well as rules, etiquette and fun! Presented by TGA Sports. Date/Day Jul 23 M-Th Location OVMS Who Grades 1-4 Wks 1 Time 1-4 pm Number CS154-3R1-SU Fee $165 ($85) JOHN TOBLER’S GYMNASTICS Train like U.S. Olympic Medalists Gabby Douglas or Danell Leyva! Whether you are a beginner or advanced gymnast, gymnastics and tumbling skills are introduced and developed in a safe environment on the mini trampoline, balance beam, vaulting horse and more. Designed by John Tobler, Olympic trainer. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jul 9 M/W OVMS Grades K-8 4 6-7 pm CS154-3R2-SU $109 ($55) Summer Tennis Summer tennis offers lesson formats from the United States Tennis Association (USTA). Morning, afternoon and evening sessions available between June 11-July 24. Register online at Questions? Call Marv Johnson at 763-506-1267. Tennis Lessons (Ages 5-12) Jr. Team Tennis (Ages 10-14) SOCCER Goal! Check out this program that introduces the essentials of soccer through skill development and games. We’ll work on team play and sportsmanship while improving shooting, passing, dribbling and hand/eye coordination. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jun 18 M-Th OVMS Grades 1-4 1 10 am-Noon CS154-4M5-SU01 $49 ($25) Jun 18 M-Th OVMS Grades 5-8 1 1-3 pm CS154-4M5-SU02 $49 ($25) TRAINING ACADEMY Get moving while engaging in non-competitive, sport-specific strength training. Strive for your personal best with the guidance of skilled coaches. Enjoy a fitness challenge relay the last day. No class July 4. Presented by Amazing Athletes. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jun 20 W OVMS Grades 2-5 6 6:15-7 pm CS154-3R16-SU $69 ($35) CHESS CAMP VOLLEYBALL Bump, set, spike! Learn and practice the basics skills of volleyball in a positive, non- competitive environment with an emphasis on skill development. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jul 9 M-Th OVMS Grades 1-4 1 10 am-Noon CS154-3R4-SU01 $49 ($25) Jul 9 M-Th OVMS Grades 5-8 1 1-3 pm CS154-3R4-SU02 $49 ($25) YOGA FUN Yoga moves bend and stretch the mind and body. Learn coordination, posture, strength and flexibility as you relax, concentrate and build confidence. Such a healthy, fun way to exercise. Date/Day Location Who Wks Time Number Fee Jun 18 M/W OVMS Grades 3-6 2 6-7 pm CS154-3H1-SU $39 ($19) Anoka-Hennepin Community Education 763-506-5955 Challenge yourself! Play chess and exercise your brain. This is an excellent opportunity to develop better chess skills in a relaxed, friendly setting as well as play a variety of board games, puzzles and sports activities. Presented by Twin Cities Chess. Date/Day Location Who Jun 25 M-Th OVMS Grades 1-4 Wks Time Number 1 Fee 9 am-Noon CS154-3M6-SU01 $79 ($39) Date/Day Location Who Jun 25 M-Th OVMS Grades 5-8 Wks Time Number 1 CS154-3M6-SU02 $79 ($39) 1-4 pm Fee 3