Community Education - current class catalogs Families - Winter/Spring 2020 | Page 27

CS PRESCHOOL ENRICHMENT CHILD COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Dance for Toddlers Sports of All Sorts Introduce your toddler to the world of dance with creative movement, dance, props, and fun music. Wear comfortable clothing. Ballet or gym shoes recommended. Dribble, pass, shoot, catch, kick! This high energy sports class provides preschool-aged boys and girls the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of basketball, soccer, t-ball and kickball while improving their motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Please enter the building through Door No. 2. No class February 19, February 26 and March 4. Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Jan 21 T 18 mo-3 Hoover Mar 24 T 18 mo-3 Hoover 4 4 6-6:30 pm 6-6:30 pm Number Fee CS119-1D1-W CS119-1D1-S $45 $45 John Tobler’s Gymnastics Experience the fantastic movement potential of your body through the medium of gymnastics. Whether you are a beginner or advanced gymnast, gymnastics and tumbling skills are introduced and developed in a safe environment on the mini trampoline, balance beam, bars, and vaulting horse. Class will be under the supervision of John Tobler Gymnastics. Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Number Fee Jan 9 Th 3-5 Feb 5 W 3-5 Andover 6 Crooked Lake 6 5:15-6:15 pm 4:45-5:45 pm CS127-1R1-W CS121-1R1-W $85 $85 Mar 12 Th 3-5 Andover 5:15-6:15 pm CS127-1R3-W $85 6 Land of Fairy Tales Traveling in a land with a character of a favorite story is a child’s dream come true. Come with us as we explore the land of Aesop’s fables with stories like, “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse,” “The Hare and the Tortoise,” and “The Goose with the Golden Eggs.” Presented by Homeward Bound Theater Company. Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Number Fee Feb 24 M 3-6 Lincoln 3 CS105-1D1-W $45 6-6:45 pm Pre-K Basketball For boys and girls alike! Get your feet moving and your pulse pounding while developing skills and participating in a variety of basketball-based games. Focus of class is on inclusion, teamwork, basic skills and loads of fun. No class February 20. Date/Day Age Location Feb 6 Th 4-5 Crooked Lake 4 Wks Time 4:45-5:45 pm Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Number Fee Jan 29 W 3-5 Andover 4 CS127-1R4-W $55 5-6 pm Tiny Tot Dance This introductory class will teach your child basic steps and short, simple dances. Emphasis will be on developing rhythm and coordination in a fun, comfortable atmosphere. Wear comfortable clothing. Date/Day Age Location Jan 21 T 3-5 Oxbow Creek 4 Wks Time 6-7 pm Number Fee CS126-1D1-W $39 Tornado Tumblers Preschool Gymnastics Give your preschooler the opportunity to learn basic gymnastics skills and terms in a safe, supportive environment hosted by Anoka High School gymnastics coach, Amy Hedberg, and her coaches. A variety of stations are utilized to ensure that students are learning and practicing physical development and coordination skills during the entire class. In order for your child to practice independence skills, we ask that you remain on-site and watch from the viewing area. Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Number Fee Jan 8 W 4-5 Sandburg 6 10-10:45 am CS206-1R1-W $55 Feb 26 W 4-5 Sandburg 6 10-10:45 am CS206-1R2-W $55 Tumbleweeds Don’t miss this unique opportunity for boys and girls to develop rhythm and coordination in a creative, but structured environment. Class includes gymnastics, tumbling and exercise. Number Fee Date/Day Age Location CS121-1R2-W $65 Jan 21 T 3-5 Oxbow Creek 4 Wks Time 5-6 pm Number Fee CS126-1R2-W $39 27