Community Education - current class catalogs Families - Winter/Spring 2020 | Page 28

CS PRESCHOOL ENRICHMENT PARENT/CHILD COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Crazy for Camping What could be more fun than pitching a tent, hanging out by the campfire with hot cocoa, making s’ mores, searching for animal tracks with flashlights, and listening to stories? Happy campers are encouraged to join us for a crazy adventure as we create our campsite in the “wilderness” under the “stars!” Can you guess the craft we will create? Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Number Fee Mar 10 T 2-5 Jefferson 1 CS-112-2R2-W $15 6-7 pm Ceramic Barnyard Duo Can a cow and a chick be friends? These two think so! This sweet cow is giving his little buddy a piggyback ride. Come and paint this adorable ceramic bank to make it your own. Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Number Fee Mar 2 M Franklin 1 CS101-2A4-W $19 2-6 6:30-7:30 pm Dance for Toddlers Certified dance school instructors will introduce your toddler to the world of dance. Class includes creative songs, dance, props and fun music. Wear comfortable clothing for movement. Presented by Dancin’ Feet Dance School. Date/Day Age Jan 7 T Ceramic Heart Plaque Location Wks Time 18 mo-3 Madison 4 6-6:30 pm Number Fee CS120-2D1-W $45 Together you’ll paint this adorable heart plaque that will forever bring a smile to your face! Enjoy a few Valentine’s treats while you paint. Remember to bring a paint shirt. Date/Day Age Location Feb 13 Th 2-6 Mississippi 1 Wks Time 6-7 pm Number Fee CS-110-2A1-W $19 Ceramic Penguin Pal Enjoy painting this happy little penguin that will make everyone smile wherever you decide to display it! Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Number Fee Jan 13 M 2-6 Franklin 1 CS101-2A1-W $15 6:45-7:30 pm Ceramic Unicorn Party It’s SO fluffy! This ceramic unicorn (piggy) bank is both large and adorable, and will remind you of another famous unicorn! You and your child can paint it your favorite color before you take it home to start adding a collection of coins too. Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Number Fee Mar 2 M Ramsey 1 CS124-2A2-W $15 28 2-6 5:15-6:15 pm Anoka-Hennepin Community Education I 763-506-1286