Community Education - current class catalogs Families - Winter/Spring 2020 | Page 26

CS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS PRES CH OOL EN RI CH M EN T What is Community Schools Preschool Enrichment? Community Schools coordinates athletic, recreation and arts activities and classes for preschool-aged children year-round. Community Schools preschool enrichment classes are designed to encourage participation and independence, and parent/child classes are also offered for when a child may need extra assistance in participation or completing a project. Classes are held at various locations across the school district, listed on page 36. Registration information can be found on pages 38-39. 763-506-1286 Monday-Friday: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. PRESCHOOL ENRICHMENT CHILD Adventures in Little School Dance for Preschoolers Your child will enjoy stories, crafts, music and activities while learning about adventures with bugs, beaches, dinosaurs, gardening and more. Wear comfortable clothing, paint shirt recommended. Certified dance school instructors will help budding dancers learn the basics of ballet, tap, song, dance, and creative movement. Class will end with a show for parents and guests (costume accessories provided). Wear comfortable clothing for movement. Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Jan 14 T 3-4 Eisenhower 4 6:30-7:30 pm Number Fee CS123-1A1-W $25 Amazing Athletes Get moving while learning new sports and skills. Amazing Athletes gives every child the chance to learn gross motor skills and cognitive development. We will also learn about our muscles and how healthy food gives us the energy to do our best when we play. Sports include baseball, basketball, golf, football, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, tennis and volleyball. No class on January 20. Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Number Fee Jan 6 M Lincoln 4 CS105-1R1-W $49 26 3-5 6-6:35 pm Date/Day Age Location Wks Time Number Fee Jan 7 T Madison 4 6:45-7:30 pm CS120-1D1-W $49 Hoover Hoover 4 4 6:45-7:30 pm 6:45-7:30 pm CS119-1D2-W CS119-1D2-S $49 $49 3-5 Jan 21 T 3-5 Mar 24 T 3-5 Anoka-Hennepin Community Education I 763-506-1286