Community Education - current class catalogs Families - Fall 2018 | Page 13
Child Care Collaborative
Anoka-Hennepin Schools
Child Care
Caring for children is an ever
changing, never ending and
often thankless job. It is,
however, one the most vital
roles in shaping children’s lives!
Family, home and center-based
child care providers can have a
positive influence on children’s development and school readiness
by engaging children in valuable educational and social experiences.
Do you have a parenting
Children don’t come with
Anoka-Hennepin Schools also cares about these foundational instructions! Early Childhood Family
learning experiences. That is why we are happy to announce the Education (ECFE) licensed parent
launch of our Child Care Collaborative this fall. The collaborative educators from the Anoka-Hennepin
partners with area child care providers offering consulting, coaching Schools ECFE program are happy
and support based on specific identified needs. to share parenting ideas and tips, or
If you or someone you know provides child care for young children, point families in the right direction
consider participating in the Anoka-Hennepin Schools Child Care of community and support resources
Collaborative. Participating providers will work collaboratively with if necessary.
Licensed Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) staff from Anoka- Don’t be shy! Ask your parenting
Hennepin Schools to address needs, offer support and, in turn, questions about children ages birth
strengthen alignment between child care providers and schools. to age eight.
Providers will participate in:
• High-quality learning experiences.
• Consulting, coaching and support based on the sites
identified needs.
• Information and referral of materials and resources for
providers, the children and their families.
• Professional development opportunities including licensure
There is no cost to participate. Visit our website to complete an
online application or call for more information.
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