Just for parents
For families with children age birth to age 8
Why parent only classes ?
Kids don ’ t come with instructions .
Parent only classes are designed to meet the needs of today ’ s families by providing a community and shared learning experiences for moms , dads , grandparents , and those who work with children .
Classes offer families with children ages birth through grade two the knowledge and support needed to work through the challenges of many early childhood milestones and help you raise confident , cooperative and responsible children .
Registration information can be found on pages 38-39 .
Parenting with Wit & Wisdom
An evening packed with solid practical advice for parents of children from toddlers to teenagers , that shows you how to utilize the very stuff of family life – chores , mealtime , sibling rivalry , toilet training , bedtime and more – to create a home environment in which children can become self-disciplined , compassionate , responsible , resourceful , resilient human beings . This is an adult only event - no child care is available . Topics discussed will include alternatives to bribes and threats ; setting effective rules ; power struggles - what , how , why , and when not to engage ; discipline and punishment - why one works and the other only appears to work ; keeping your cool without putting your feelings on ice ; and lastly the online community - how to teach kids to be cyber savvy , civil , and safe .
About the presenter : Barbara Coloroso is an internationally recognized author , speaker and consultant on parenting , teaching , school discipline , positive school climate , bullying , grieving , non-violent conflict resolution and restorative justice . A mother of three , she has appeared on Oprah , CBS , NBC , ABC , CNN and NPR and has been featured in publications including the New York Times , Time , U . S . News & World Report and Newsweek .
Date / Day |
Time |
Location |
Wks |
Course No . |
Class Fee |
M Oct 8 |
6:30-8 pm |
Educational Service Ctr |
1 |
EC756-11 |
$ 5 |
Coffee & Conversation
As your children grow and change , so do their interests , needs and behaviors . Are you noticing how you parent might need to grow and change too ?
Meet with other preschool to grade three parents , along with a licensed parent educator , for coffee and conversation . Join us for friendship , sharing of ideas , information , strategies and support . Bring your own coffee or you can purchase coffee or other beverages in the Gathering Place .
* Child care is available for children ages birth to kindergarten - $ 5 / child . Registration is required .
Anoka Family Place Sep 21-Nov 2 F | 9:45-11:15 am | 6 weeks | EC755-11 | $ 5 Nov 9-Dec 21 F | 9:45-11:15 am | 6 weeks | EC755-12 | $ 5
14 anoka-Hennepin Community Education I 763-506-1275