Community Education - current class catalogs Adult classes and activities - Winter 2017 | Page 33
Bosu Core Training
Kettlebell Yoga
Exercises to train core muscles of the back, glutes and
abdominals using the bosu ball (which is a 1/2 ball). Incorporate
the best of pilates, traditional resistance and stability training
exercises to help you get stronger and leaner. Hand weights,
resistance bands and/or kettlebells may be used in this class.
Bring water and yoga mat. See website for class meeting dates.
Class fee: $29.
Kettlebells are perfect for building strength and shaping
your body. Yoga is great for creating long, lean muscles and
stretching the body to feel good. The combo in this class
will balance out the best of both worlds. Bring water, towel,
yoga mat and optional pair of yoga blocks. All levels of fitness
welcome. See website for class meeting dates. Class fee: $39
for 5 sessions
w Jan 14 - Feb 18 | 10 - 10:30 am | 5 Sessions
Sa | Sandburg Edu Ctr | AL077-2X22-W1 | Melissa
w Jan 12 - Feb 9 | 6:40 - 7:30 pm | 5 Sessions
Th | Sandburg Edu Ctr | AL077-2X43-W1 | Melissa
w Mar 4 - Apr 8 | 10 - 10:30 am | 5 Sessions
Sa | Sandburg Edu Ctr | AL077-2X22-W2 | Melissa
w Feb 23 - Apr 6 | 6:40 - 7:30 pm | 5 Sessions
Th | Sandburg Edu Ctr | AL077-2X43-W2 | Melissa
Cardio Kickboxing
High-intensity, full-body workout at its best! This mixed-level
class incorporates kickboxing and aerobics while utilizing
kettlebells and resistance bands for a great calorie-blasting
workout. Bring water and towel. See website for class meeting
dates. Class fee: $45 for 5 sessions; $49 for 6 sessions.
Learn kettlebell exercises to help with strength and endurance.
Week to week we will add exercises to challenge your body.
Kettlebells provided. Bring water, towel and mat. See website
for class meeting dates. Class fee: $45 for 5 sessions; $49 for
6 sessions.
w Jan 11 - Feb 15 | 7:30 - 8:20 pm | 6 Sessions
W | Sandburg Edu Ctr | AL077-2X32-W1 | Melissa
w Jan 9-Feb 13 | 5:45-6:30 pm | 6 Sessions
M | Sandburg Edu Ctr | AL077-2X14-W1 | Bethany
w Mar 1 - Apr 5 | 7:30 - 8:20 pm | 5 Sessions
W | Sandburg Edu Ctr | AL077-2X32-W2 | Melissa
w Feb 27 - Apr 3 | 5:45 - 6:30 pm | 5 Sessions
M | Sandburg Edu Ctr | AL077-2X14-W2 | Bethany
Fitness Walking
Do not let the cooler weather hamper your exercise program.
Continue your walking regime this winter using a set route
through the halls of Oak View Middle School. You can come to
as many or as few of the sessions as you like per week (MondayThursday). Bring water and clean, dry tennis shoes. See website
for class meeting dates. Class fee: $35.
Lose fat and build lean muscle. Join one of today’s hottest
workouts. Kettlebells give you a total body workout and include
benefits such as cardio, strength, power, flexibility and balance.
Kettlebells provided. Bring water, towel and mat. See website
for class meeting dates. Class fee: $45 for 5 sessions; $49 for
6 sessions.
w Jan 9 – Apr 6 | 6 - 8 pm | 46 Sessions
M/T/W/Th | Oak View MS | AL077-2X10-W1 |
w Jan 11 - Feb 15 | 6 - 6:45 pm | 6 Sessions
W | Sandburg Edu Ctr | AL077-2X17-W1 | Bethany
Indoor Cycling
w Mar 1 - Apr 5 | 6-6:45 pm | 5 Sessions
W | Sandburg Edu Ctr | AL077-2X17-W2 | Bethany
Indoor cycling utilizes a recumbent or upright bike taking you
through a variety of hills, power climbs, pace work, and sprints
to upbeat music. This lower body workout is for all fitness levels.
Workouts can be adapted to fit your goals and needs. Bring
water and towel. See website for class meeting dates. Class fee:
$45 for 5 sessions; $49 for 6 sessions.
w Jan 9 - Feb 13 | 6 - 6:50 pm | 6 Sessions
M | Northdale MS | AL077-2X19-W1 | Nancy
w Feb 27 - Apr 3 | 5 - 6:50 pm | 5 Sessions
M | Northdale MS | AL077-2X19-W2 | Nancy | 763-506-5766 | 2017 WINTER