Community Education - current class catalogs Adult Activities and Classes - Fall 2023 | Page 8

money / health

Understanding Estate Planning and Trusts
If you own a business ; have real estate ( cabin , condo , farmland , or timeshare ) in another state ; have minor children or want to avoid probate or protect assets for future generations , a trust may be a great estate planning tool for you . Several types of trusts will be discussed , including revocable living trusts , irrevocable trusts , and support trusts for children and grandchildren . Learn how trusts can protect assets from irresponsible family members , avoid probate , reduce estate taxes and protect assets from creditors . Question and answer time included . Instructor is an experienced estate planning , probate and elder law attorney .
◗ Sep 12 | T | 6:30-8:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 | Staff Dev Ctr AL077-2C28-F1 | Bolt Law Firm
You ’ ve Been Appointed an Executor or Trustee , Now What ?
Before helping an elderly loved one with financial or legal affairs , it is crucial to understand your responsibilities so that you are able to protect your loved one and yourself . An experienced estate and elder law attorney will share the information you need to know so you understand the parameters of the law and are able to successfully serve as a personal representative , trustee or attorney-in-fact . Hear what it means to be a fiduciary , how to sign legal documents in ways that will protect you from liability and how to deal with family members and institutions .
◗ Sep 26 | T | 6-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 25 | Staff Dev Ctr AL077-2C36-F1 | Peterson-Lerdahl
Will Taxes Affect Your Retirement ?
It is critical to have a solid understanding of the tax status of investments to make informed decisions and avoid paying more than your fair share . Learn how future tax changes may create the potential for higher taxes , ways to create tax-free retirement income , how social security is taxed and how to work efficiently within current tax brackets .
◗ Oct 24 | T | 6:30-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 19 | Staff Dev Ctr AL077-2C33-F1 | Schwartz
Write Your Own Health Care Directive and Power of Attorney
If you become incapacitated , who will carry out your wishes regarding your health care and personal financial affairs ? By having a plan , you get to make your own choices . Participants should be comfortable using a computer , as work will be completed in a computer lab . Some prep work required ; packet sent one week prior to class .
◗ Nov 28 | T | 6-9 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 55 | Staff Dev Ctr AL077-2C31-F1 | Bolt Law Firm
Savvy Social Security Planning for Couples
The decisions couples make now can have a tremendous impact on the total amount of benefits they stand to receive over their lifetime . Identify factors that can help you get more out of the Social Security system . To help baby boomers better understand the Social Security system , this workshop will cover : Five factors to consider when deciding when to apply for benefits . When it makes sense to delay benefits - and when it does not . Why you should always check your earnings record for accuracy . How to estimate your benefits . How to coordinate benefits with your spouse . How to minimize taxes on Social Security benefits . How to coordinate Social Security with your other sources of retirement income .
◗ Oct 5 | Th | 6:30-8:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 25 | Staff Dev Ctr AL077-2C43-F1 | Davis
Write Your Own Will
Prepare a will in class on the computer and learn about estate planning . Students should be comfortable using a computer , as work will be completed in a computer lab . Some prep work required ; packet sent one week prior to class . This is a simple will class and not appropriate for those who have assets in excess of one million dollars or who need a trust . Instructor is an experienced estate planning attorney . Couples must register individually .
◗ Oct 3 | T | 6-9 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 99 | Staff Dev Ctr AL077-2C29-F1 | Bolt Law Firm


Acupressure to Relieve Stress , Anxiety , Insomnia and More
Acupressure is an ancient healing art and self-help tool . It can offer great relief with no side effects and help you feel your best . Along with the specific points to help relieve stress , insomnia , anxiety , irritability and even weight gain , learn the Nine Master Pressure Points which are the most helpful and most frequently prescribed to help and assist every system in your body .
◗ Sep 26 | T | 6-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 | Online AL077-2W09-F1 | Novak 1
Healthy Eating for One or Two
Are you a one-or two-person household and struggle to prepare healthy meals without wasting a lot of food and money ? Discuss batch cooking and how to plan healthy meals for one to two people .
◗ Oct 9 | M | 6-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 | Staff Dev Ctr AL077-2W25-F1 | Carpentier
NEW | Balancing Your Energetic Bank Account
In this interactive workshop , we ’ ll dive into managing our personal energy . We ’ ll reflect on the activities and people that give us energy and what depletes our energy . We ’ ll spend some time reflecting and creating a plan to balance our energy levels .
◗ Oct 23 | M | 6:30-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 25 | Staff Dev Ctr AL077-2W18-F1 | Guerrero
| Creating and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries
This course goes through the signs signaling you could benefit from healthier boundaries and explore ways to set and keep healthy boundaries in our lives with ourselves and others .
◗ Nov 13 | M | 6:30-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 25 | Staff Dev Ctr AL077-2W17-F1 | Guerrero
8 FALL 2023 | 763-506-5766 | www . discovercommunityed . com