Community Education - current class catalogs Adult activities and classes - Fall 2022 | Page 10

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Reiki Level I Certification
Discover traditional hands-on Japanese Usui Reiki — what it is , how it heals and how you can be a proper and effective channel for healing energy to flow . Level I Reiki connects you to the Reiki energy and combines teachings , discussion , attunements , meditations and experiential practice in an organized and relaxed program . A class manual and certificate of completion is included . Class will break for lunch ; participants are responsible for their own food .
w Sep 24 | 8:30 am-3:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 149 Sa | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2W13-F1 | Steffens
Reiki Level II Certification
In Reiki Level II , you receive the Level II attunement where specific sacred symbols are added to your energy field to enhance your sessions . You also learn how to direct this energy toward physical healing , mental / emotional healing and learn how to perform distance healing sessions . This class incorporates teaching , discussion , attunements and practice in an organized and relaxed environment . A class manual and certificate of completion is included . Class will break for lunch ; participants are responsible for their own food . Reiki Level 1 is a prerequisite .
w Oct 15 | 8:30 am-3:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 199 Sa | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2W14-S1 | Steffens
Shinrin Yoku — Forest Bathing
Join us on an immersive , meditative and awe-inspiring Japanese forest bathing experience ( Shinrin Yoku ). Feel nature ’ s fractals , sounds and sensations reduce your stress and anxiety and enhance your focus . Give yourself permission to slow down and connect your senses to the healing beauty of our metro area ’ s green forested spaces . Class will meet at Eastman Nature Center . Please note : Current MDH and CDC guidelines will be followed on this experience for the safety of all participants .
w Oct 1 | 9-11 am | 1 Session | Fee : $ 45 Sa | Off-Site | AL077-2W33-F1 | Motzenbecker
w Oct 30 | 2-4 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 45 Su | Off-Site | AL077-2W33-F2 | Motzenbecker
Chi for Arthritis , Chronic Pain and Balance
This gentle Sun Tai Chi form improves mental and physical capacity as well as relaxation , balance and vitality . Tai Chi helps relieve pain , increase range of motion and improve quality of life . This class is recommended for arthritis and fall prevention . Can be done sitting or standing . Wear flat shoes ( sandals not recommended ) loose , comfortable clothing . Instructor is certified in Tai Chi and has over 17 years of teaching experience .
w Sep 12-Oct 24 | 6-7 pm | 7 Sessions | Fee : $ 69 M | Jackson MS | AL077-2W42-F1 | Balanced Life Tai Chi
w Nov 7-Dec 19 | 6-7 pm | 7 Sessions | Fee : $ 69 M | Jackson MS | AL077-2W42-F2 | Balanced Life Tai Chi
Understanding Alzheimer ’ s and Dementia
Alzheimer ’ s disease is not a normal part of aging . Join us to learn about the impact of Alzheimer ’ s ; the difference between Alzheimer ’ s and dementia ; stages and risk factors ; current research and treatments available for some symptoms ; and Alzheimer ’ s Association resources .
w Sep 27 | 6:30-7:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 19 T | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2W04-S1 | Tyler
NEW | Understanding the Six Basic Human Needs
Together , we ’ ll explore what we think our needs are and go on to discover what they really are and learn how to meet them in positive ways . Based upon The Tony Robbins-Madanes Life Coach Curriculum .
w Oct 1 | 9-11:30 am | 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 Sa | Northdale MS | AL077-2W12-F1 | Mars
Don ’ t miss emails from us !
Course reminders and links to online classes are sent from the address ced _ adulted @ ahschools . us . Please add us to your email contact list so you don ’ t miss important information .
10 FALL 2022 | 763-506-5766 | www . discovercommunityed . com