Colorado Reader: FOOD Fuels an ACTIVE LIFESTYLE! 2023-2024: Issue 1 | Page 6

The Scoop on Sugar , Fat , and Salt

Is Sugar Bad ?
Sugar can be both good and notso-good for our bodies , depending on how much we eat and where it comes from . Sugars found naturally in fruits , vegetables , and dairy are good for us because they come with other important nutrients like vitamins and fiber .
However , added sugars in foods like soda , candy , and cookies can be bad for us if we eat too much . Too much added sugar can lead to problems like cavities , weight gain , and even health issues like diabetes and heart disease .
Why Do People Tend to Eat Too Much Sugar , Fat , and Salt ?
People tend to eat too much sugar , fat , and salt for a few reasons :
• Tasty Temptations : Sugary , fatty , and salty foods taste really good ! They ' re often found in yummy treats like cookies , chips , and ice cream . When we eat these foods , our brains release feelgood chemicals that make us want to keep eating more .
• Convenience : Sugary , fatty , and salty foods are often quick and easy to grab when we ' re hungry or in a hurry . Fast food , snacks , and packaged foods are loaded with these ingredients , making them hard to resist when we ' re looking for something to eat on-the-go .
• Advertising : Have you ever seen commercials for sugary cereals or salty snacks ? Food companies spend lots of money on advertising to make their products look appealing and tempting . This can make it hard to resist reaching for these foods when we see them in stores or on TV .
• Habit : If we ' re used to eating lots of sugary , fatty , and salty foods , it can become a habit that ' s hard to break . Our taste buds get used to these flavors , and we start craving them more and more .
It ' s okay to enjoy sugary , fatty , and salty foods every once in a while , but it ' s important to eat them in moderation . By balancing our diets with plenty of fruits , veggies , whole grains , lean proteins , and dairy we can help keep our bodies healthy and strong !
Nutritional Value of Snack Items ( per serving ) Snack Item
Calories ( kcal )
( grams )
( grams )
Total Fat ( grams )
Salt ( Sodium in milligrams )
Original Beef Jerky 80 13 4 1 590
Classic Potato Chips 160 2 < 1 10 170 Trail Mix 300 9 20 18 100 String Cheese Stick 80 6 0 6 200 Strawberries 49 1 7 0 2 Skittles Candy 250 0 45 2.5 10
Using the chart , answer these questions . 1 . What snack item has the most protein ? ___________________________________ 2 . What snack item has the most sugar ? ___________________________________
3 . What two snack items have the least amount of fat ?_______________________
___________________________________ As you look at this chart , does anything surprise you ? Discuss with a classmate , friend , or adult .
6 - Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom