Colorado Reader: FOOD Fuels an ACTIVE LIFESTYLE! 2023-2024: Issue 1 | Page 7

Let ’ s Plan a Healthy Menu !

Have you ever wondered why planning your meals is so important ? Well , let ’ s find out together !
Why Is Menu Planning Important ?
Menu planning is like making a map for your meals . Just like how you plan your route before going on a big adventure , planning your meals helps you make sure you ’ re eating all the yummy and healthy foods your body needs . Here ’ s why it ’ s super important :
1 . Healthy Eating : Planning your meals helps you make sure you ’ re eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits , veggies , grains , proteins , and dairy . This helps keep your body strong and healthy .
2 . Saving Time : When you plan your meals ahead of time , you know exactly what ingredients you need . This makes grocery shopping faster and cooking dinner easier !
3 . Saving Money : Planning your meals helps you avoid buying extra food that you don ’ t need . This saves money and helps your family ’ s budget stretch further .
4 . Reducing Food Waste : When you plan your meals , you only buy what you need . This helps reduce food waste , which is good for the environment .
How to Plan a Balanced Menu :
Now that we know why menu planning is important , let ’ s talk about how to plan a balanced menu . Here are some easy steps to follow :
• Make a List : Start by making a list of all your favorite foods from each food group . This includes fruits , veggies , grains , proteins , and dairy .
• Mix It Up : Try to include a variety of foods from each food group in your meals . This keeps your meals interesting and ensures you ’ re getting all the nutrients your body needs .
• Plan for the Week : Sit down with your family and plan out your meals for the week . Think about what you ’ ll have for breakfast , lunch , and dinner each day .
• Include Favorites : Make sure to include some of your favorite foods in your menu plan . This makes mealtime more fun and enjoyable !
• Be Flexible : Remember , it ’ s okay if your plans change . Life happens ! Just do your best to stick to your menu plan most of the time .
By following these simple steps , you can plan healthy and balanced meals that keep you feeling strong , happy , and ready for anything !
My Menu
Grab a pencil and let ’ s start planning your next delicious meal adventure !
Select a Meal
Guest List How many people will be eating this meal together ?____________
What are some of their favorite foods ?
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
Menu List the foods you will serve . Remember you want a balanced meal with food items from all five MyPlate categories .
Fruits :_______________________ Vegetables :___________________ Grains :_______________________ Protein :______________________ Dairy :________________________
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