Colorado Reader: FOOD Fuels an ACTIVE LIFESTYLE! 2023-2024: Issue 1 | Page 5

Beef ’ s Special Powers : Nutrients

Not all proteins are the same ! Just like how not all superheroes have the same powers , different proteins do different things for our bodies .
What does 25 grams of protein look like ?
Now , let ’ s talk about beef ! Beef is a type of protein that comes from cows . It ’ s like a special kind of superhero because it has lots of awesome benefits for our bodies .
Protein : The Muscle Builder - Protein is like the builder for our muscles , bones , and skin . It helps us grow strong and stay active . When we eat beef , we get a big boost of protein that keeps our muscles and bodies super strong .
Iron : The Oxygen Carrier - Iron is like a delivery person that helps carry oxygen all around our bodies . When we eat beef , we get a lot of iron , which keeps us feeling energized and ready to tackle the day .
Zinc : The Immune Defender - Zinc is like a superhero shield that helps our immune system fight off bad germs . When we eat beef , we get a good dose of zinc that keeps us healthy .
B Vitamins : The Energy Boosters - B vitamins are like little packets of energy that help our bodies work right . They give us the energy we need to play , learn , and have fun . Beef is full of B vitamins that keep us feeling lively and full of pep .
Creatine : The Power Source - Creatine is like a secret power that gives our muscles extra energy for bursts of activity , like running or jumping . When we eat beef , we get a special boost of creatine that helps us be super active .
Omega-3 Fats : The Brain Boosters - Omega-3 fats are like brain food that helps our brains work better . They help us think , learn , and remember things . Beef has a little bit of omega-3 fats that give our brains a helpful boost .
So , as you can see , beef is like a superhero meal that gives our bodies all the special nutrients they need to be strong , healthy , and ready for anything !
Source : https :// www . beefitswhatsfordinner . com / nutrition / beef-nutrients
Use the chart above to answer the following questions .
1 . How many grams of protein are in a 3-ounce cooked serving of beef ? _______________________________
2 . How many cups of black beans would you have to eat to get the same amount of protein as 3 ounces of beef ? _____________________________________________
3 . What item has the most calories ?_________________
4 . If you eat a 6-ounce serving of beef steak , how many grams of protein are you getting ?_________________
5 . If you ate 3 ounces of beef and 1 cup of quinoa , how many calories are you getting ? How many grams of protein ?______________________________________
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