Colorado Reader: FOOD Fuels an ACTIVE LIFESTYLE! 2023-2024: Issue 1 | Page 4

Exploring Protein : The Superhero of Healthy Eating !

Protein is like the superhero of foods ! It ' s super important in our diets because it helps our bodies in so many awesome ways . Let ' s find out why protein is a big deal and what it does for us .
First off , what is protein ? Well , protein is a special nutrient found in foods like meat , eggs , beans , and nuts . It ' s like the building blocks for our bodies . Just like how you use blocks to build cool towers and castles , our bodies use protein to build and repair muscles , bones , skin , and even hair !
Here are some cool things that protein does for our bodies :
1 . Helps Us Grow Strong and Healthy : Remember how we said protein is like building blocks ? Well , it helps our bodies grow strong and healthy . When we eat protein-rich foods , our bodies use the protein to build and repair our muscles , which makes us stronger .
2 . Gives Us Energy : Protein is like fuel for our bodies . It gives us the energy we need to run , jump , play , and learn . That ' s why it ' s important to eat protein-rich foods throughout the day , especially at breakfast , lunch , and dinner .
3 . Keeps Us Feeling Full : Ever feel super hungry even after eating ? Protein can help with that ! When we eat foods with protein , like beef or beans , they help us feel full and satisfied , so we ' re not always hungry .
4 . Helps Us Fight Sickness : Protein is also like a superhero shield that helps us fight off sickness and stay healthy . It helps our immune system work properly so we can stay strong and keep germs away .
5 . Helps Our Bodies Work Right : Our bodies need lots of different nutrients to work properly , and protein is one of them . It helps our bodies do important things like move , breathe , and even think !
So , as you can see , protein is pretty amazing ! It ' s like the superhero of foods because it helps our bodies grow strong , gives us energy , keeps us feeling full , fights off sickness , and helps our bodies work right . That ' s why it ' s important to eat protein-rich foods every day as part of a balanced diet . So , let ' s give a big cheer for protein – the superhero of healthy eating .
4 - Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom