Colorado Reader: Careers in Agriculture 2022-2023: Issue 4 | Page 8

Career Spotlight - Athletic Turf Manager



Do you enjoy gardening , or just watching things grow ? Plant systems may be the place for you ! People who work in careers in plant systems enjoy studying seeds and plants and how they impact our world . The most important issue humans are facing is how to feed a growing population . Did you know , that by 2050 , it is estimated our planet will have nearly 10 billion people living on it ?! That ’ s about 2 billion more people than we have now ! There are many people in plant systems careers who are working to solve this issue . Some of these careers are working in a lab and greenhouse to study seeds and plants . Others are outdoors growing the crops , conducting research , or even selling seeds to farmers . However , not every job in plant systems is tied to feeding the world . There are even a few unique careers that are more focused on landscaping and managing yards , or creating beautiful flower arrangements for people .

Career Spotlight - Athletic Turf Manager

Have you ever been to a professional baseball game and seen the beautiful ball field ? Or maybe you ’ ve gone golfing with your parents and saw how pristine the greens and the fairways look ? All that perfectly manicured grass is taken care of by athletic turf managers . Turf is another word for grass . Athletic turf managers usually oversee a team of people who all work together to keep the grass looking its best . While that may seem like a fairly simple job , there is a lot to it ! Besides general maintenance , they must constantly repair damage from golf balls , baseball players ’ cleats , and from other sports equipment that can ruin the turf . If this career sounds fun to you , look for a college program where you can earn a bachelor ’ s degree in turf grass management .

Career Spotlight - Agronomy Sales & Management

A person who nearly every farmer relies on is someone who works in agronomy sales and management . These are the people who provide the farmer with seed and fertilizer , as well as give them advice on growing their crops . Many farmers work on a crop rotation , meaning they plant different crops in each field every year . This helps keep the soil healthy and helps with pest control . This is a great career path for someone who may not have grown up in agriculture because they can learn all they need to know in college and through work experiences . As long as there are farmers ( which will be always !), there will be a need for people who work in agronomy sales and management . A bachelor ’ s degree is typically required for this career path .
The Colorado Reader publication is an Agriculture in the Classroom project of the Colorado Foundation for Agriculture . The Colorado Foundation for Agriculture ( CFA ) is a 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit education corporation and works with industry partners to help meet our shared vision of advancing Colorado agricultural literacy . We provide Agriculture in the Classroom resources and programs to Colorado educators and students , many of which are FREE or at minimal cost . For more information or to make a donation to support agricultural literacy education programs , visit www . GrowingYourFuture . com , or contact Jennifer Scharpe , Colorado Foundation for Agriculture , 10343 Federal Blvd Unit J Box 224 , Westminster , CO 80260 , 970-818-3308 , info @ coagclassroom . org .
Financial support for this Reader provided by :
Colorado Department of Agriculture Ag Leadership Grant
And the Adopt-A-Classroom Program .
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