Colorado Reader: Careers in Agriculture 2022-2023: Issue 4 | Page 7

Career Spotlight - Conservationist
To help farmers and ranchers make decisions on how to best take care of the natural resources on their property , they rely on conservationists . Conservationists work with private land owners , like farmers or ranchers , to manage , improve and protect natural resources . Farmers ’ and ranchers ’ number one concern is to take care of their land because they want it to last for many years to come , so conservationists are very important to them ! For example , a rancher might need a conservationist to help figure out how to best graze cattle on pastures , while not hurting the native grasses . You would be perfect for this job if you enjoy helping people , like to learn about science , and enjoy working outside . To have a career as a conservationist , you will need to earn a bachelor ’ s degree , or even a master ’ s degree .
Career Spotlight - Biological Technician
Another career opportunity in natural resources is a biological technician . A biological technician will take samples of water , soil , air , and crops on a farm , and then work with a conservationist to evaluate the samples for ways to improve those natural resources . They will also work with the farmer to find ways to improve their yields , or the amount of crops they harvest off a field . A crop is the plant a farmer is growing to be harvested for food . People who are biological technicians enjoy working outside and in a lab , are good at problem-solving , and enjoy working with others . This career requires at least an associate degree , but preferably a bachelor ’ s degree .
Natural resources is a great area to work in if you love spending time in the great outdoors ! Natural resources are all the minerals , forests , water , and land on earth . Humans use natural resources in their daily lives in many ways . Careers in this pathway work to develop , maintain , and manage these resources , so we don ’ t overuse and ruin them . Farmers and ranchers are the original stewards of the land – meaning , they care for the land to make sure it ’ s healthy year after year . They rely on people in natural resource jobs to guide them through best practices when managing their property ’ s natural resources .

Other careers to research : aquaculture hatchery manager , ethanol engineer , forester , geologist , hydrologist , logger , saltwater husbandry technician , wildland firefighter

Natural Resources www . GrowingYourFuture . com - 7