Colorado Reader: Careers in Agriculture 2022-2023: Issue 4 | Page 6

Food Products and Processing Systems

Maybe working with livestock or crops isn ’ t your thing , but what about food ? Everyone loves food ! There are many different careers that fall under food products and processing systems , from working in food safety to developing the next greatest ice cream flavor . If you like science , this may be the career path for you ! Careers in this area are very important because they are working to ensure the food we eat is safe , it tastes good , and it provides us nutritional value .

Career Spotlight - Nutritionist / Dietitian

Just like a cattle nutritionist works with a rancher to help him identify the right diet for his cattle , a dietitian can do the same for you . While in college , they become experts in how to properly fuel our bodies with food , while staying healthy . Their main job is to share that knowledge with other people who may not understand the different types of nutrients our bodies need to live a healthy life . They teach people how to look at and understand food nutritional labels , and how to choose foods in the grocery store based on those labels . Most importantly , they provide a connection between their clients and agriculture . Farmers and ranchers rely on nutritionists and dietitians to share correct information on how food is grown and raised . A person in this job must be passionate about helping other people . At least a bachelor ’ s degree is required for this career .

Career Spotlight - Flavor Technologist

Probably one of the coolest jobs around , a flavor technologist gets to conduct experiments to figure out the best flavors for food . For example , if you are creating a cheesy cracker , you would make a lot of different crackers with different amounts of cheesiness in them , and then try them all to figure out which one tastes the best . Once you and the team of people you work with choose the best tasting cracker , you would create a process to make that exact cracker over and over again , so they always taste the same . So next time you are playing with your food , just tell your mom you are practicing for your future career as a flavor technologist ! People in this career go to college to earn a bachelor ’ s degree in food science , nutrition , or chemistry .
6 - Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom