Colorado Reader: Careers in Agriculture 2022-2023: Issue 4 | Page 9



Educator Guide - 2022-2023 School Year Careers in Agriculture

Purpose :
Full- and part-time jobs related to agriculture and the food sector account for 10.5 % of total U . S . employment . In Colorado , agriculture employs more than 170,000 people across the state . Students discover the high qunatity , quality , and diversity of agricultural careers available in seven career pathways .
Cross Curricular Connections and Colorado Academic Standards :
4th & 5th Grade Reading , Writing , and Communicating :
• Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text , including figurative language such as metaphors and similes . ( CCSS : RL . 5.4 )
• Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text . ( CCSS : RL . 4.1 )
• By the end of year , read and comprehend informational texts , including history / social studies , science , and technical texts , in the grades 4 – 5 text complexity band proficiently , with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range . ( CCSS : RI . 4.10 )
More standard connections can by met by using any of the suggested lesson plans to go with this Reader .
How to use :
Use this Colorado Reader during your reading or social studies time . Another option is to send these items home with your students ( or include in homework / enrichment packets ) to complete at home on virtual learning days . Or use during substitute days . This is also a great issue to send home with students to complete during the summer . Pass out one copy of the Colorado Reader to each student . Ask students to read the Colorado Reader , completing the activities within the Reader as they go . Make copies of the Student Exploration sheet on the back of this page and pass out to each student . To further enhance learning , incorporate any of the additional lessons from the Curriculum Matrix that are identified on the back .
Lesson Plans to go with this Reader
The Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix is an online , searchable , and standards-based database for K-12 teachers . The Matrix contextualizes national education standards in science , social studies , and nutritional education with relevant instructional resources linked to Common Core Standards . Below are a few lesson plans that could be used in conjunction with this Colorado Reader . Go to www . GrowingYourFuture . com and click on Curriculum Matrix ( on the Home Page or under the Educator ’ s Tab ), search each title within the Curriculum Matrix to find these lesson plans . AgVenture : Sourcing Ag Careers ( Grades 6-8 ): Students consider the scope of careers related to the science , art , or practice of agriculture and examine career opportunities that are part of the five agricultural pathways .
Agriculture Pays ( Grades K-2 ): Students discover that agricultural careers are interconnected and that agriculture influences many parts of their daily lives . Career Gaming ( Grades 6-8 ): Students will explore careers in the fields of agriculture and natural resources through online research . They will check their understanding by playing Career Trek — a board game that requires students to identify careers in agriculture and natural resources . Career Trek ( Grades 6-8 ): Students will explore careers in the fields of agriculture and natural resources through online research . They will check their understanding by playing Career Trek — a board game that requires students to identify careers in agriculture and natural resources . Charting Agricultural Careers ( Grades 6-8 ): Students will use infographics and charts to explore the careers that produce food , clothing , shelter , and fuel along with a variety of agricultural STEM careers requiring critical thinkers and problem solvers . Find Your Future Career ( Grades 3-12 ): Students will discover the variety of agricultural careers available and consider their career paths in terms of economics , interests , and suitability to their personal talents and characteristics . From Soybeans to Car Parts ( Grades 3-5 ): Students learn about soybeans and investigate the collaborative work of an agricultural scientist and engineer who found new uses for an agriculture product ( soybeans ). This lesson can be used as an opportunity to discuss careers in science and engineering , biobased products , and the use of renewable resources . Journey 2050 ( Grades 6-12 ): Lesson 6 - Careers for 2050 and Beyond ! Students will explore careers related to agriculture , identify personal interests within agriculture or a related field and discuss how agricultural professionals can impact world food .
Additional Lessons for K-12 Instruction : There are a wide variety of additional FREE ready-to-use lesson plans , companion resources , kits , maps / infographics , and movies / videos for K-12 instruction about agricultural careers . These are available by searching the word “ careers ” on the Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix available at AgClassroom . org or simply use this link : https :// bit . ly / 3Lakh3C
Additional Resources www . AgExplorer . com - Through this website users can learn about 235 unique careers in agriculture , search for careers , match career interests , access educational requirements and link to current job openings . The website also features videos that highlight how each of the eight agricultural pathways and agricultural education are part of the global solutions to feeding the world .
www . AgCareers . com - Learn more about agriculture career profiles and education profiles on this website .
Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom • 10343 Federal Blvd Unit J Box 224 • Westminster , CO 80260 • info @ coagclassroom . org • 970-818-3308