Cold Link Africa November / December 2019 | Page 7

INTERNATIONAL NEWS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN AECOM secures phase two of Ghana's Tema Port expansion project A ECOM has been awarded phase two of the Tema Port Expansion Project (TPEP) in Ghana, on behalf of Meridian Port Services (MPS), operator of the container terminal. Phase one of terminal three was formally opened for shipping business on 28 June, following successful tests and simulation exercises of the project by MPS. “The awarding of phase two shows continued faith from our client," said Darrin Green, managing director for civil infrastructure at AECOM. "We look forward to its equally successful delivery in support of MPS,” Green comments. Phase two includes project ACCOMMODATING THE WORLD’S BIGGEST CONTAINER SHIPS The development will enable the port to accommodate some of the world’s biggest container ships and improve cargo-handling services and capacity. In so doing, it will treble Tema Port’s current annual traffic of about one million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs). The vision is for the port to become a leading maritime hub in West Africa. MPS is a joint venture between the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) and Meridian Port Holdings, with Bolloré Transport & Logistics and APM Terminals as the two main shareholders. MPS is executing the project as part of the GPHA masterplan for the development of Tema Port. The necessary funding for the project has been secured by MPS from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, as well as from shareholders. China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) is the marine contractor. CLA REFERENCE: 1. Aldi recognised by EPA for sustainable refrigeration ldi US has received a 2018 Store Certification Excellence award from the Environmental Protection Agency's GreenChill Partnership as the grocery retailer with the most GreenChill store certifications in the past year. The Batavia, Illinois-based hard discount grocer said that the award recognises its efforts to promote sustainable refrigeration in its US stores, which now number more than 1 900 in the United States. Through June 2019, the chain had 238 GreenChill store certifications and recertifications nationwide, with the locations receiving the highest-level Platinum ratings. “Over the last year, Aldi has transitioned to natural refrigerants (CO 2 ) in hundreds of stores as part of our journey toward environmentally sustainable refrigeration systems,” Aaron Sumida, vice president at Aldi, said in a statement. “This recognition from the GreenChill Partnership is an important celebration of our journey as we continue to make strides in reducing our carbon emissions and finding innovative renewable solutions.” The EPA's GreenChill Partnership aims to help supermarkets migrate to more eco- COLD LINK AFRICA • a 19m-deep port access channel, and various supporting port infrastructure and services. friendly refrigerants, reduce harmful carbon emissions, and adopt greener refrigeration technologies and environmental best practices to lower their impact on the ozone layer and climate change. Aldi received its first GreenChill certification in 2015. For a store to qualify for GreenChill certification, it must meet the partnership’s criteria on the type of refrigerants used, refrigerant emissions and refrigerant charge. The grocer noted that its Store Certification Excellence award signifies the company’s commitment to meet the high sustainability standards. “If every supermarket reduced its leak levels to the GreenChill average, the supermarket industry could reduce emissions by about 30 million metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent every year,” commented Tom Land, manager of EPA's GreenChill program. “The Store Certification Excellence award not only demonstrates the breadth of corporate responsibility efforts at ALDI, but a commitment to environmentally sustainable refrigeration systems.” Aldi said the company is making its US supermarkets more environmentally November/December 2019 A management services for the fourth berth marine and landside works, due for completion by December 2020. The team is currently overseeing project management and construction supervision services as part of the first phase, including marine, land, and building works packages, as well as project controls, contract administration, construction management, health, safety and security management, and environmental and social performance management. Once complete, the TPEP will include a new 1.4km-long quay housing four container berths, container stacking yards, a 4km rubble-mound breakwater, Along with GreenChill-related actions with refrigeration systems, Aldi has cut carbon emissions via increased use of solar energy. friendly as part of a five-year, USD5-billion-plus capital investment in new and remodelled stores. These stores feature eco-friendly building supplies, such as recycled materials, energy- saving LED lighting, and energy-efficient refrigerated systems and HVAC units. Along with GreenChill-related actions with refrigeration systems, Aldi has cut carbon emissions via increased use of solar energy. The company said that, in 2018, solar production at Aldi prevented the release of CO 2 emissions equal to those created by an average car driving across the US 12 427 times or burning 15.6 million pounds of coal. CLA Source: Supplied by Aldi 7