Cold Link Africa November / December 2019 | Page 6

NEWS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN ATMOsphere heads back to South Africa in March 2020 By Ilana Koegelenberg T he global platform for sustainable heating and cooling solutions from shecco is returning with ATMOsphere Cape Town next year. ATMOsphere, is heading back to South Africa in March 2020 for the first-ever ATMOsphere Cape Town! Book your spot to stay ahead of the global trends. The first ATMOsphere event made its debut on the African continent with the ATMOsphere Network FRIGAIR 2018 event where more than 120 leading experts from across the spectrum of HVAC&R stakeholders gathered to discuss natural refrigerants-based technologies. The conference saw Obed Baloyi of the South African Department of Environmental Affairs, Forestry and Fisheries; Alex Kuzma of Woolworths; and Malcolm Moore of food supplier In2Food, among other top experts, as its speakers. The first ever conference held at FRIGAIR 2018 saw over 120 industry leaders coming together. The conference will feature key sessions facilitating industry trends and discussions. Mitsubishi first with R32 VRF itsubishi Electric has launched The new City Multi YNW, in both heat “Customers are looking for products the first VRF air conditioning recovery and heat pump versions, will that meet both current and future system to make use of the lower be available to specify from next month legislation and with the launch of in the UK, with models in stock from the UK’s first R32 VRF systems, we are January 2020. The new units were also delighted to be able to offer the market transition away from R410A, the UK launch simultaneously launched in Germany a complete range of lower GWP of Mitsubishi Electric’s R32 City Multi YNW recently, with a roll-out across Europe solutions,” adds Grayston. range marks the first use of this refrigerant expected to follow. GWP, ‘mildly flammable’ refrigerant R32. As Europe and the rest of the world in a VRF system. With a range of ducted and 4-way Mitsubishi Electric has also announced a 10-year warranty for all its tier 1 ceiling cassette indoor units available, Diamond Quality Partners on all air- refrigerant, continues to restrict its the systems are said to work with the conditioning equipment. application in larger VRF systems. These comprehensive range of advanced new units, however, in sizes from 22kW controllers to ensure effective and complete choice for any building and to 34kW, cover the lower end of the VRF efficient operation. any customer,” says Grayston, “Whether The flammability of R32, an A2L market, such as small commercial offices “Under the growing pressure of the “This new range enables us to offer a CSR is high on the agenda for customers, F-gas phase-down regulations, the or whether lifecycle cost or capital market is demanding viable and positive cost are more important, there is now in combination with R32 splits and/or solutions which are future proof for a complete R32 choice available from Mitsubishi’s R32 Hybrid VRF system allows businesses and last the full lifecycle of Mitsubishi Electric.” customers to use one single lower GWP the product,” explains Mark Grayston, refrigerant across a complete building or head of Mitsubishi UK’s product an entire network. marketing department. and retail establishments. Mitsubishi insists that this new product 6 market trends, policy and standards, technology case studies, end user presentations and discussion panels. Companies working with natural refrigerants-based technologies are invited to support ATMOsphere Cape Town as a sponsor, to showcase their market leadership, and join other key experts in supporting environmentally-friendly and future-proof technologies. For more information visit the shecco website. CLA CLA Source: Cooling Post M The second South African event is expected to welcome over 150 thought leaders, including policymakers, manufacturers, end users, NGOs, contractors and academics gathering to discuss the latest market developments for natural refrigerants, provide updates on regulations and standards, and showcase new technology innovations. The one-day conference will feature key sessions such as technology and The UK launch of Mitsubishi Electric’s R32 City Multi YNW range marks the first use of this refrigerant in a VRF system. COLD LINK AFRICA • November/December 2019