Cold Link Africa November / December 2019 | Page 8

INTERNATIONAL NEWS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN Companies fined for synthetic gas imports T he Department of Environment and obligations under the Act at the time it time to apply for a licence or exemption export and use of a range of synthetic Energy has fined two companies imported the bus, the department said in as this may take up to 60 days”. greenhouse gases and ozone depleting and an individual for offences under a statement. the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989. A Victorian-based company has been An NSW-based refrigeration mechanic a scheduled substance, HFC-410A, while heat pump containing HFC-410A without installing an air-conditioning system. has been fined AUD12 600 for importing an appropriate licence. The company HFC-410A is a hydrofluorocarbon – a a bus with an air conditioning was unaware of its obligations under the synthetic greenhouse gas commonly system containing HFC-134a, a Act, the department said. used as a refrigerant in refrigeration and synthetic greenhouse gas, without an appropriate licence. HFC-134a is a hydrofluorocarbon Head of the Department’s Office of air-conditioning equipment. HFC-410A Compliance, Monica Collins, said reducing has a global warming potential of 2088. emissions of synthetic greenhouse gases The offender holds a refrigeration and – a type of synthetic greenhouse and ozone depleting substances is a air conditioning permit issued by the gas commonly used as a refrigerant priority area for the Department. Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC). in refrigeration and air-conditioning “We work with the Australian Collins said the Department and ARC equipment, including vehicles. Synthetic Border Force to monitor and inspect work together to promote voluntary greenhouse gases trap heat in the imported and exported goods to ensure compliance with the Act and its atmosphere, and HFC-134a has a global compliance with the Act and where regulations. “The ARC engages widely warming potential of 1 430, which means appropriate undertake enforcement with businesses and technicians to it traps 1 430 times more heat in the activities,” she said. “Importers and help them to understand and comply atmosphere than carbon dioxide. customs brokers should check import with their obligations. This includes the The import into Australia of equipment requirements for synthetic greenhouse obligation not to discharge scheduled containing these substances is prohibited gases or ozone depleting substances, substances,” she said. unless the correct licence or exemption including when they are contained in is held. The company involved is a major equipment, before importing or exporting Greenhouse Gas Management Act automotive retailer and was aware of its goods. “It is advisable to allow adequate 1989 controls the manufacture, import, 8 CLA has been fined AUD2 520 for discharging fined AUD12 600 for importing a pool A New South Wales-based company substances in Australia. The Ozone Protection and Synthetic Importers and customs brokers should check import requirements for synthetic greenhouse gases or ozone depleting substances, including when they are contained in equipment, before importing or exporting goods. COLD LINK AFRICA • November/December 2019