Coaching_Insight_11.3 | Page 6

June appreciation shout outs
Name Club Nominator Reason
Donna Naseem
Lutonians CC
Siddrah Sheikh
Lutonians CC
Credit to Donna for her commitment to her professional development by taking the the recent ECB Foundation I Coach course . She is supporting young people in Luton with the Wicketz programme as evidenced in June ’ s festival .
Well done to Siddrah for taking the CSW and now the ECB Foundation I Coach course . You are having a great impact in supporting young people around Luton .
Samina Mehrab
Cricket East / Chance2Shine Street
Dave Summers
Congratulations to Samina for completing her L2 course . June ’ s festival showed the effect she is having through the Wicketz and Chance2Shine Street programmes .
Promila Raina
Cavaliers Cricket Academy
Annanth Kumar
Promila ' s initial involvement with Cavaliers Cricket Academy - started in 2017 , when she decided to bring her daughter , Saanvi along to All Stars Cricket . From the first session onwards she volunteered and her passion , dedication and commitment to serve the game within the community and inspire young children was evident . In 2018 she volunteered as an All Stars Activator , where she was an immense help in serving the young stars . She continued to show great interest of serving the game within the community and she has become the backbone of Cavaliers Cricket ' s community engagement programmes , such as organising training sessions - involving training , events etc . In 2019 - Promila became involved with the Cricket World Cup as a Cricketeer - and her good work didn ' t stop with the World Cup - where she continued to tirelessly engage - giving her time in coaching and mentoring young children . She went onto complete ECB Foundation Level 1 certificate , in the latter part of 2019 . Along with championing Cavalier ' s programmes - she was involved as a volunteer in Essex Cricket ' s engagement programmes - such as School Cricket Festival for Girls at Leyton Cricket Hub , organised two women only cricket sessions , also coaching at Lady Aisha Academy Ilford . This year , Promila is the lead coach for Cavalier ' s All Stars Programme - where she plans , organises and guides the other volunteer coaches during the sessions , and plays an important role in Cavalier ' s effort to serve the community during these unprecedented times . We at Cavaliers , fervently feel that Promila ' s efforts , dedication and commitment is worth a recognition .
Emily Woodhouse
Lewis Denmark
Emily is a recently qualified ECB Level 3 Coach . She is Norfolk Women Captain , plays club cricket at Cromer Cricket Club and has recently signed a contract with the Sunrisers . Emily is Lead Coach and Manager of the Norfolk u15 Girls and is a great role model to young female cricketers across Norfolk . Emily is also a coach at Cromer Cricket Club .
Sarah McCann
Stockport Trinity CC
Richard Higginbotham
Sarah is a massive part of Cheshire Women ' s cricket , but she also spends a great deal of time helping us to bring our junior cricketers through the ranks at Stockport Trinity . Not only that but her encouragement and the example she sets to our other female coaches has vastly increased our ability and potential for women and girls . She ' s not a bad player either - leading the line for our 3rd XI and introducing other women cricketers to senior mixed cricket .
Carys White
Stockport Trinity CC
Richard Higginbotham
Carys started coaching at Stockport Trinity three years ago and has been a big part of the coaching team that has seen us grow our offering for junior cricketers at the club during this time . Her support is meaning that we are able to offer more matches , better quality coaching and run initiatives like our recent summer camp which is not only hugely enjoyable for the kids it is a valuable fund-raiser as well . Having a player of Carys ' s age and ability coaching juniors sets a great example . It ' s also clear evidence to girls who are getting into cricket of what is possible and the pathway available to them .