for representing the entire student body . They act as a liaison between the students , the administration and teachers to organize special student events and to help address student concerns . In addition , each prefect runs for a specific portfolio defining her role . The roles of the Executive are :
• Head Girl
• Assistant Head Girl
• Prefect : Arts & Culture
• Prefect : Communication & Technology
• Prefect : Community & Special Events
• Prefect : Assemblies
• Prefect : Health & Wellness
• Prefect : Ivy Compass
• Prefect : Athletics
• House Captains : McDougall , Gordon , Fraser , Stuart , Douglas , Wallace
The house captains ( Grade 12 students only ) are responsible for inspiring House loyalty and involvement in House activities through enthusiasm and friendliness . They lead House activities such as Winter Games , Sports Day , House performances and other House competitions . Each house captain has a House Council made of up of representatives from each grade level within their House . The House Council meets regularly to plan House events and initiatives .
Student Council
The Student Council meets throughout the year to represent the voice of students , promote their ideas and advocate their views and interests . Student council organizes and coordinates events , like the Remembrance Day assembly . The head girl and the assistant head girl chair the student council meetings . Student Council representatives are elected by their grade peers and will have two members per grade from Grade 8 to 12 .
House Council and Captains
The House Council ( Grade 8 to 11 students ) meets regularly throughout the year with the House Captains ( Grade 12 students ) to discuss House initiatives and to plan activities and events to promote House and school spirit . They are elected by their grade peers in their houses and will have two members per grade from Grade 8 to 11 and six members from Grade 12 .
Athletics Council
The Athletics Council meets regularly throughout the year with the Prefect of Athletics and the Sports Captains . They represent athletics from the point of view of your level , i . e ., Bantam , Junior , Varsity and help to promote athletics around the school , and help with officiating as needed . They collaborate with other student leaders on Senior School events and are expected to uphold and promote the values of CHS and be a model of the school ’ s code of conduct . They are elected by their grade peers and will have two members per Grade 8-11 . They must have participated in athletics as a player or manager .
Club / Activity Captains
Each co-curricular program , club or activity , including athletics , has a student captain in a leadership role . These captains , as selected through an application and club election process , work directly with the teacher-sponsor of that program , club , or activity to provide support with the organization and running of the activities , mentorship of younger students , and leadership in creating new initiatives that will move the club forward . There are 30 + clubs , activities and programs to participate in with Club Captains taking on a leadership role organizing and facilitating the club . Grade 11 and 12 students are given preference for Club captain positions .
14 Crofton House School