Student Leadership Opportunities
The Senior School builds capacity for student leadership by creating opportunities for leadership at all grade levels by providing leadership training for all students , and by organizing the school community to develop and practice leadership on a daily basis , not just in a designated role . This participative leadership model is one built on core leadership competencies such as critical and creative thinking , problem-solving , communication , collaboration and conflict resolution . All are skills that will serve our students well as they graduate and move on to other endeavours .
All elections happen in the spring , with the exception of all Grade 8 positions . These positions will be elected after the Outdoor Education 8 trip and through a self nominated process .
Characteristics of a Student Leader
• Upholds all aspects of the Crofton House School School Code of Conduct , Academic Honesty Policy , Student Responsible Use of Technology Policy and Uniform Requirements
• Demonstrates high standards of personal conduct
• Shows personal integrity
• Shows respect for and is respected by peers
• Shows respect for and is respected by teachers
• Is approachable , collaborative , and flexible
• Is thorough , organized , and reliable
• Takes initiative
• Has a level of self-esteem and confidence able to resist peer pressure
• Has demonstrated participation / involvement in - and commitment to - CHS activities
• Has demonstrated an ability to maintain reasonable academic standards while involved in activities
• Has an open mind with a growth mindset
• Has an understanding of her own skills , abilities and leadership style
• Has an understanding that her skills will grow ; a good starting place is with her interests and connections with the outlines opportunities
• Uses her voice to make Crofton the school that we are all proud of
School Officers
Crofton House Senior School has a head girl , assistant head girl , seven school prefects , and six house captains collectively termed “ The Executive ”. They are elected by students in Grades 8 – 12 and teachers . In addition , the six house captains are elected by students from Grades 8 to 12 in their Houses . All school officers are leaders within the School and help to ensure that school values and rules are upheld .
The Executive
The Executive consists of fifteen Grade 12 students . These officers work with the Senior School administrative team and are responsible
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