Academic Handbook 2020-2021
Grade 8-9 Production
Grade 10-12 Production
Meeting Times
Eligibility Grade 8-9
Tuesdays and non-EDW
Wednesdays, after school
The Grade 8-9 production is held at the end of
November and will alternate between a play and a
musical, opposite to the Grade 10-12 production.
Auditions are held in the fall and are open to all
students in Grade 8-9. Effort is made to include every
girl who is interested in some aspect of the production,
whether it be onstage in a role or off-stage in a
supporting position. Rehearsals are after school and
over two weekends closer to production time.
Productions will take place in the black box theatre.
Meeting Times
Eligibility Grade 10-12
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
or Thursday depending on
your role
The Grade 10-12 production alternates between a
play and a musical. Auditions are held in the fall and
are open to students in Grade 10-12. Effort is made to
include every girl who is interested in some aspect of
the production, whether it be onstage in a role or offstage
in a supporting position. Rehearsals are after
school and during weekends. The performance is
typically two weeks before Spring Break.