CMS Staffing Compliance with Facility Assessments | Page 4

CMS Staffing Compliance with Facility Assessments
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The final rule contains a provision requiring a state Medicaid agency to report on the percentage of payments for Medicaid covered services that are spent on compensation for direct care workers . This provision will not be implemented until 6 / 21 / 2028 .
• States are required to make this payment information available on public facing websites and the information on the website must be clear and easy to understand and must be verified at least quarterly . CMS will also report the information submitted by the States on its website .
• Exemptions will be provided for Indian Health Services and Tribal health programs from these reporting requirements .
Financing the new rule : CMS estimates the impact of the staffing provisions over a 10 year period , to cost approximately 43 billion dollars . There is some uncertainty about the degree to which LTC facilities would bear the cost of meeting the minimum staffing requirements and how much of the costs would be passed onto payors including Medicare , Medicaid , private insurers , and private pay residents .
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