CMS Staffing Compliance with Facility Assessments
CMS expects that facilities would have 3 possible approaches to address the increased staffing costs :
• Reduce your margin of profit
• Reduce other operational costs
• Increase prices charged to payors
To start , you may want to evaluate your current processes to determine where you can increase time and resource efficiencies .
Staff Recruitment and Retention CMS crafted this rule with the knowledge that LTC facilities will need to recruit , hire , and train new staff . Through phased-in implementation you may not have to hire all the necessary nursing staff at one time . There will be waivers and hardship exemptions available to LTC facilities on a case-by-case basis .
CMS supports the concept of implementing workforce development programs , as they benefit not only the employees but ultimately the residents . CMS is launching a comprehensive workforce development initiative and is also exploring the potential to provide technical assistance through the existing Quality Improvement Organizations . While the requirements of this rule are intended to improve resident safety and care , they may also improve the working environment in LTC facilities .
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