CMA HeartBeat October 2023 | Page 20



JANE Wilber

SEVERAL throughout the North Central Region were riding Can-Am Spyder ’ s . I liked how they looked and got the fever to start riding again .

If you have been riding for years , most of us have gone down on motorcycles . Sometimes , it has been minor accidents , and others have been serious accidents . We each have our own stories ; my story is from September 12 , 2021 .
I was riding on my new Can-Am Spyder , and Jay was behind me on his motorcycle . We had on our helmets ( we always wear them ). I wore my gray riding jacket and had on my yellow reflective CMA vest . We were on our way to church at about 10:15 AM . This was my third time on my Spyder , and I was really starting to enjoy riding again . We were taking back roads to church . It is about a tenminute ride from our house to the church . The road we were traveling didn ’ t stop , and we were approaching a cross street that had to stop . They have a stop sign with lights flashing around the stop sign 24 / 7 with signs below that cross traffic doesn ’ t stop .
I approached the cross street and saw a car stop in each direction . The car stopped heading west ( it was a young girl with a driving permit ; she was driving with her mom ) and started to go across the intersection . By this time , I was in the intersection . I turned to the right , thinking she would stop on the yellow line and I could get around her . I collided with her back passenger door , got thrown off the bike , and rolled on the ground . The other car stopped going east was a witness for me and told the sheriff it was the car ’ s fault .
Jay and I have intercoms in our helmets . I was lying on the ground and heard Jay ask , β€œ Jane , are you okay ?” and I said , β€œ Yes , I ’ m okay .” I was calm , but I was pretty sure I had broken my left foot , and my 20βŽͺOCTOBER 2023βŽͺshop . cmausa . org