CMA HeartBeat October 2023 | Page 19



Destiny Riders of
Tacoma have a great ride that also serves as a Run for the Son opportunity . This is called a Steeple Ride . With each steeple in the background , you must get a picture of yourself and your bike . Each photo is worth one entry into the prize drawing . A bonus is
awarded for getting photos of all 20 steeples . How about seeking local bike shops to offer prizes , which makes your event funds go 100 % to Run for the Son ? How they orchestrate this is the list of steeples is provided once the $ 20 entry fee is collected . What a great idea ! CMA
Don ’ t forget to send us your tips and testimonies so we can share them with others . Please send them to rfs @ cmausa . org
Regional RFS Team Leads
Region 1 Hazel Coomes 360-250-1600
Region 2 Jeremiah Johnson 520-990-5657
Region 3 Steve & Nancy Gorder 608-574-5543
Region 4 Alan & Pam Morris 870-598-4006
Region 5 Sharon Bowers 301-842-2026
Region 6 Kelly & Denise Newsome 706-799-0229
19βŽͺOCTOBER 2023βŽͺwww . cmausa . org