CMA International
By CHRIS Pilgrim
Fundraising is also an important
South Australia have travelled to Ali
part of our activities, from rides to
Curung in the Northern Territory, a
raise funds for cancer research, but
one way trip of 2000 km, to support
also something close to all our
an annual outreach in that town.
hearts, bikes for Pastors. Our team in
We look forward to where God
Victoria administers the program and would have us serve. As an example,
during the past year we have been
a new car and bike show started a
able to donate several motorcycles
couple of years ago in the rural town
to pastors in developing countries.
of Dubbo in New South Wales. Our
Australia presents challenges geo- members have been in attendance
graphically. It is a large country with
and are committed to continuing to
a relatively small population, the
be the face of Jesus at that event in
majority living on the eastern
the coming years.
Keep on Riding for the SON. CMA
seaboard around the major cities or
large regional towns. In Queensland,
for the past couple of
years, a group of rid-
ers have selected an
outback route, usual-
ly a round trip of
5000 km, sending
out prior notice to
churches hoping to
meet and encourage
Members of CMA Australia.
motorcyclists and
inform them about
Chris Pilgrim serves as National Coordinator
for CMA Australia.
CMA. Likewise, our members in
thank God for the dedicat-
ed members we have
throughout Australia. 2019 was a
very special year as we celebrated
our 40th Anniversary. At our National
Run, we invited some representatives
from those early days when CMA
was formed. It is always a wonderful
time of fellowship catching up with
members from all around the coun-
try, but also being able to reflect and
give honor to those who have served
in the past was very special.
The activities our members are
involved in around the country vary
according to their calling. We have
folks involved in the classic bike
scene, Ulysses (a mature age social
club), motorcycle advocacy, running
and attending various rallies,
(Christian and secular). Others per-
form bike blessings, outreach at vari-
ous shows with CMA tents and infor-
mation, and sometimes with a free
shoe shine. We also do church raids,
usually to small rural churches to
encourage the local members.