CMA International
By JULIAN Osmani
I am not ashamed of the
gospel, because it is the
power of God that brings salvation to
everyone who believes: first to the
Jew, then to the Gentile” (Romans
1:16, NIV).
This is the verse that gives us
power as CMA in Albania. Sharing the
Gospel with bikers in our country, as
we ride for the Son, is a privilege.
Albania is a small country in
Southeast Europe, in Adriatic and
Ionian Sea, within the Mediterranean
CMA has been in Albania for 12
years now. We have seen the hand of
God working in us and through us.
During these years we have our ups
and downs, but we learned to keep
our eyes on Jesus Christ, to be
focused on the message of the cross.
This has been the guide to victory
over every obstacle. Albania is a
country with 70% Muslims, and shar-
ing the Gospel freely was made avail-
able after the communism collapse.
During communism Albania was
declared by constitution an atheist
country, the only country in the
world. As time went by, we saw that
the biker community was a group of
people totally unreached with the
Gospel. So this was an alarm in our
hearts. Being among them as sons of
God is really important. They need to
hear and see the hope that is in our
hearts, lived through our lives. We
need to live Christ in our life, so
everyone can see the living hope that
is in us.
Every year, we are present at
every rally and at events for bikers.
Keeping contacts with people that we
pray for and sharing the Word of God
as they open their hearts with us has
been important. God enabled us to
serve marginalized groups of people,
sharing the love of God with them
and touching their needs.
God does not ask men to behave
in order to be saved, but to believe. It
is faith in Christ that saves the sinner.
Eternal life in Christ is one gift that is
suitable for all people, no matter
what their need may be or what their
station in life. “Go ye into all the
world, and preach the Gospel” was
Christ’s commission (Mark 16:15,
KJV). We need to live this mission in
our lives.
We want to thank the prayer team
for all the prayers for CMA in Albania
and for all the prayers for our family.
Thank you for all
your support. CMA
Julian Osmani serves as
President of CMA Albania.
By NESTOR Gonzalez
family. May God bless
this enormous min-
istry and each CMA member around
the world. In 2019, in CMA Argentina,
we had a saying, “2019, year of chal-
lenges and changes.” As we know,
CMA's vision is changing the world,
one heart at a time, so if you asked
me to borrow my Harley, I would tell
you no. If you asked me for $30,000,
I would also say no. And if you asked
me what it feels like to walk on the
moon, I would be silent. I don't have
a Harley, I don't have $30,000, and I
have never walked on the moon.
We can't give what we don't have,
nor teach what we don't know. In the
same way, if we want to change the
world, one heart at a time, we must
first change our hearts.
will breathe life into our country from
Understanding this truth, we fought
east to west and from north to south.
hard in the greatest challenge we
CMA Argentina 2020 is blowing life!
God bless you CMA Family. And...I
had, which is to change our hearts
encourage you, blow life around the
for the heart of Christ. Proverbs 4:23
(NLT) states, “Guard your heart above world! CMA
all else, for it determines
the course of your life.” A
sick heart produces sin,
gossip, judgment, strife,
and death, but we are
called to bring life.
At the CMA Argentina
National Rally, God
spoke to us through the
Members of CMA Argentina.
word in Ezekiel 37 where
it describes the valley of
Nestor Gonzalez serves as President
dry bones. We know that with
of CMA Argentina.
changed hearts full of Christ, CMA