CMA HeartBeat February 2023 | Page 24



Chuck and Susie Gerdes are the State Coordinators of Pennsylvania . They , along with an awesome Leadership Team , seek to follow the Holy Spirit for the Gospel of Christ . In these last days , it is a joy to work alongside these two servants as we move ever closer to the return of Christ .
Peter and Laura
Peter and Laura Helgerson oversee the Northeast Region as National Evangelist .


CMA , we have been focused on discipleship , i . e ., bring someone with you . As we accelerate this process , we need to remember discipleship starts long before a person gives their heart to the Savior . Jesus spent almost three years teaching His disciples before Peter understood Jesus was the Christ ( Matthew 16 : 13-20 ).
Where can we start to show others who Jesus truly is ? I like the Gospel written by John . It is not a chronological look at the life of
Jesus , but John instead brings to light the events and teachings of Jesus that show us He is the promised Messiah .
This starts right in the first few verses with John telling us that in the beginning was the Word , the Word was with God and is God , and by the Word , all things are created , and that this Word became flesh and dwelt among us . John even shares the testimony of John the Baptist that Jesus is the One to come .
John then begins to reveal seven specific wonders that prove his claim . 2:1-11 ; Jesus turns water into wine . Not a process that would happen unnaturally , like changing a stone into bread , but a natural process that does occur , just greatly accelerated .
4:46-54 ; Jesus heals a man ’ s son from a distance by saying he is healed . 5:1-15 ; Jesus heals a man unable to walk for thirty-eight years by telling him to get up and walk . 6:5-13 ; Jesus feeds five thousand plus with five loaves and two small fish .
6:16-21 ; Jesus walks on water . 9:1-7 ; Jesus heals a man born blind . 11:1-44 ; Jesus brings Lazarus back to life after being dead and in the grave for four days .
John finishes his writing with Jesus ’ death and resurrection . His book is rich with the symbolism of who Jesus is and how His great love for us propelled Him to pay the ultimate price for us to be reconciled to God . How amazing that the Word of God that created us is the One who comes to save us from the punishment our sinfulness deserves . “ For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son , that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life . For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world , but that the world through Him might be saved ” ( John 3:16-17 , NKJV ). I pray this will encourage you to better disciple those in your circle of influence . CMA
Chuck and Susie Gerdes serve as State Coordinators of Pennsylvania .
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