David Hiscox
It is hard to believe that
a year has passed since
I wrote my first report
to the members of the
Association, and a lot
has happen in that year.
We saw the election of
a new Executive, with
Karen Howe and Tracey
Lentell joining myself,
Allan Peter and Michael
O’Sullivan. Tracey was
elected as the first
female Vice President of
the Association; a great
As occurs after every election
the Federal Executive and Federal
Council with our staff, held a
strategic planning work shop,
and four key focus areas were
identified – Training and Professional
Development, Membership, Industrial
Representations and Finance and
Sponsorship. The Executive Officer
has provided more detail in his
In May I had the honour of presenting
a CMAA member, the most
prestigious and rarely conferred
Life Member of the Club Managers'
Association Australia recognition
award. In the over 50 years of the
Association only 25 members have
received this award and it was an
absolute honour the present the
Award to David O’Neil.
IQ 4
January saw the appointment of
our new Professional Development
Manager, Zoe Clegg. Zoe is based in
Queensland and her appointment is
critical to the association meeting
its objectives in the training and
professional development area, and
more recently after feedback from
our members. Peta Imber’s position
was restructured and she now has
the role of Industrial Relations
and Compliance Advisor. This
appointment will strengthen the IR
component of the Association and
provide valuable support to Peter
Next year sees the Mid-Year
conference return to the Gold Coast
in July, and at the conference the
Executive will convene the first
Zone Presidents Meeting where all
of our Zone President will have the
opportunity to meet and discuss the
challenges and opportunities they
see in their individual zones. Last
year Zoe held a similar meeting with
Zone Education Officers and this was
extremely beneficial to all attendees.
We continue to liaise with Clubs
NSW on the bullying and harassment
issue facing our managers.
At the start of the year our
colleagues in Victoria were optimistic
that there would be some clarity
around machine ownership and
the findings and recommendations
from the Review were to be handed
down midyear. Unfortunately in the
world of politics nothing is certain
as the relevant minister is no longer
in this portfolio and things seemed
to have stagnated, so our Victorian
colleagues continue to operate in
and environment of uncertainty.
Queensland saw the first tranche
of the lock out laws introduced on
the 1st of July with last drinks in
pubs and clubs outside nightclub
precincts at 2am, and a number
of other restrictions. The second
stage comes into effect on the
1st February next year with 1am
lockouts to be introduced in 15 safe
night out precincts. Interestingly
Casinos remain exempt from these
provisions. Whilst the Queensland
Government restricts trade in
traditional Clubs Pubs and night
clubs it is at the same time is
proposing to expand the number of
exempt Casinos in the state. Some
challenging times are ahead for our
Queensland members.
On behalf of the Executive I would
like to thanks Ralph, Chris, Peter,
Zoe, Priscilla, Brad, Peta, Julie
and Estelle for the wonderful
contributions to the association,
they are all valuable individuals
committed to providing the best
service to our members.
Finally I wish you all a merry
Christmas, enjoy the time and relax
with your families, who are after all
the most important part of our lives.