NOV . 2016 | 19
Clear Water Landcare – The Ripple
The Medicine River Watershed Society has been sharing watershed awareness for close to two decades and welcome all who are interested in joining their volunteer efforts .
Paint ( and Photograph ) the River
Watersheds come in all sizes . Small areas shed water into streams which in turn confluence with larger streams and so on . The Medicine River has many tributaries and much of the water originates in Clearwater County .
Clear Water Landcare was pleased to support an event held by the Medicine River Watershed Society ( MRWS ). The Society shared the following encouragement .
Once again , the beauty of the Medicine River watershed was the focus of an En Plein Air Painting and Photography Day sponsored by the Medicine River Watershed Society on September 10 . On that sunny day , 14 local artists from Eckville , Benalto , Rocky Mountain House and Red Deer went out to Paint the River .
Working outdoors along the river ’ s edge , the artists created paintings in a variety of styles , which were later displayed at the Gilby Hall .
Featured artist Dave More also showed 13 of his paintings which highlighted the Medicine River in all four seasons . Three photographers added their river images to the exhibit , which was attended by fifty-plus community members .
Artists , photographers and attendees all enjoyed a tasty dinner provided by the Medicine River Watershed Society . www . clearwatercounty . ca