Clearwater County Highlights October/November | Page 12
12 | NOV. 2016
Cemeteries in Clearwater County
Council recognizes that residents within
churches and community groups have cared
for area cemeteries for generations. This
longstanding and valuable contribution
demonstrates respect and recognition to
those who came before us and helped build
community faith and pride.
The County holds titles for five of the
16 registered cemeteries within Clearwater County. Upon budget approval in 2016,
County staff began the initial work of
gathering information on the status of all
registered cemeteries. County departments,
including the Community & Protective
Services (CPS), Agricultural Services, Public Works GIS and Information Technology
Services are all working together to collect,
confirm, map and store cemetery information.
“Completing the initial step of a cemetery
census helps us evaluate the total occupied
space and forecast areas for future use,” said
Ted Hickey, Director of CPS. “When you consider 16 cemeteries throughout the County,
collecting all the information and planning
for the future – it is a rather large project
that will take some time to complete”.
The census will utilize information gathered from cemetery caretakers, relatives,
local knowledge and records, as well as working with the Province. County staff have been
in contact with cemetery caregivers to determine current levels of service and to discuss
future collaborations to provide continued
cemetery care.
For information regarding the County’s
cemetery responsibilities, see the Government of Alberta – Cemeteries Act.