Clearview Midlands January 2014 - Issue 146 | Page 45

ALumInIum wIndOwS wIndOwS bI-FOLdIng dOORS dOORS wALLIng CuRtAIn wALLIng tRAdE mAnuFACtuRIng FAStER tRAdE mAnuFACtuRIng tRAdE dELIVERy QuICkER tRAdE dELIVERy SPECIAL OFFER SPECIAL OFFER 3-PAnE ALumInIum 3-PAnE ALumInIum bI-FOLdIng dOORS bI-FOLdIng dOORS In whItE, bLACk OR gREy In whItE, bLACk OR gREy 3000mm w xx2100mm hh 3000mm w 2100mm FROM £1140 FROM £1140 Manufacturing business Multi Fab Ltd has just invested Manufacturing business Multi Fab Ltd has just invested £500,000 in a new state-of-the-art Emmegi Quadra L1 £500,000 in a new state-of-the-art Emmegi Quadra L1 CNC aluminium manufacturing machining centre. The CNC aluminium manufacturing machining centre. The integral saw blade and six individual four axis machining integral saw blade and six individual four axis machining heads really do allow the most efficient and cost effective heads really do allow the most efficient and cost effective way to produce aluminium windows, doors and curtain way to produce aluminium windows, doors and curtain walling products. walling products. • volume manufacturing facility • volume manufacturing facility • UK-wide delivery • UK-wide delivery • 100s of RAL colour options • 100s of RAL colour options • Norfolk Showroom • Norfolk Showroom plus VAT**(excludes delivery && glazing) plus VAT (excludes delivery glazing) *Terms & Conditions apply *Terms & Conditions apply This is aasignificant investment to our This is significant investment to our business and demonstrates our commitment business and demonstrates our commitment to offer our customers a afaster and more to offer our customers faster and more cost-effective solution. Whether they need cost-effective solution. Whether they need just one window or several hundred we are just one window or several hundred we are now more than capable of meeting customer now more than capable of meeting customer requirements. We currently employ 67 fullrequirements. We currently employ 67 fulltime fabricators across two factories, offering time fabricators across two factories, offering aluminium windows, doors and curtain walling aluminium windows, doors and curtain walling (including structural bonded products); we (including structural bonded products); we also manufacture and powder coat in house also manufacture and powder coat in house aluminium panels for building façades.’ aluminium panels for building façades.’ NIGEL WOODHOUSE, ACCOUNT MANAGER NIGEL WOODHOUSE, ACCOUNT MANAGER Freephone 0800 542 3286 and ask for Nigel Freephone 0800 542 3286 and ask for Nigel & [email protected] & [email protected]