Just like food,your
business has to be
“Just right” for your
by Richard Baldwin
Most Cleaning proprietors like to talk about finding more jobs, MORE
work, and MORE customers. This article I like to call, “Too Hot to Handle”,
may not be such a “hot” topic to those that are just starting out and trying
to find a way to fill their schedule.
Almost every marketing and industry training
guru out there focuses their seminars and articles
on increasing business, and for good reason.
Most proprietors need it. Hearing someone say
To start, I have to give you my life story, don’t
worry, I’ll make it short. I learned this profession
by working for other cleaning companies. First
one company for a few years, then another
company for another year. I attended and
“I’ve become too busy and I need less work”
passed all the courses you can take to learn the
sounds laughable, illogical, going against the very profession with a 95% average. Then started
grain of our training and everything we have
my own company on a $10,000 loan from a
worked and sacrificed for over so many years.
customer who believed I had better than average
Why would someone say that? Since there are
very few, if any, articles about taking the next
step BEYOND success with your business, I
Although some people have been profitable
decided it was time to address the issue, for those from the very start, I was in a tough area,
who may one day need a little advice, or at the
lower income, lower population, and lots of
very least, food for thought.
competition. I lost money the first two years
making all the common mistakes any new