that can produce lots of referrals for you.
You just have to make your clients aware,
through your newsletter, that you would
like them to send you referrals. And when
you build awareness, you build momentum.
increasing your repeat and referral business.
And again, these results are all VERY
realistic, in fact they are conservative. This
is why so many of my members report six
figure increases to me, the first year they
use my systems. When you crunch the
numbers with your own business you can
see how this is so do-able.
Joe Polish is the Founder and President of
Piranha Marketing Inc., and the creator of
the Rich Cleaner System for Professional
Cleaners & Restorers. His marketing
expertise has been utilized to build
thousands of businesses of all sizes, from
small mom-n-pop cleaning companies to
large multi-national corporations. Check
out Joe’s FREE Video Training Series
for Professional Cleaners & Restorers
and discover Easy, Lucrative and Fun
(E.L.F.™) strategies you can start using to
make more money, and get higher paying
jobs right away. Go to www.RichCleaner.
com to get started.
For access to the best marketing strategies
in the world for professional carpet
cleaners and restorers, I invite you to
watch my FREE video teaching series that
And what happens with this momentum? reveals 4 Strategies To Skyrocket Cash
You get what I call “client compounding”. Flow Starting Today. This FREE video
Just like interest compounds, so can your
series is not just fluff, it’s packed full of
money-making content showing you how
to make higher profits using cheap, easy,
Let’s say you generate just 3 referrals per
proven direct marketing strategies. People
month from your newsletter. That’s easy to are telling me they really love these videos,
do with a client newsletter that specifically so please check out the comments posted
asks for referrals month after month. And below the videos. When you go to www.
let’s say, each referral is a very modest $250 you will see a short
job average. That’s an extra $9,000.00
introduction video from me explaining
per year…combine that with the repeat
more about the Teaching Series and then
business increase of $15,000 and you have you can watch the entire series for FREE.
an EXTRA $24,000 in yearly revenue that So get started on your way to making more
you’re just leaving on the table if you’re not money with your cleaning business by
sending a newsletter.
going to right now.
Remember these days your best approach
to marketing is to integrate your online
and offline efforts. That means you
could send out weekly email updates and
reminders to look for your newsletter,
include highlights from your newsletter
and monthly specials in tweets and posts.
Even with the explosion of technology
there is still no better, proven, or more
profitable marketing effort you could put
forth, than a client newsletter. A really
great direct response client newsletter
continues to be, one of your best tools for