Knowing how to manage complex situations is now a very difficult task since we are immersed in a society that requires learning and teaching for the generation of new knowledge, but in reality there is very little that has been achieved in this area. The interactions that are developed today between students and teachers and the way they are being taught have had very few changes, because they are still repeating behaviors and new difficulties have been added such as the devaluation of the systems (family, school, religion, society) with the consequent disinterest in the study and the values ​​of the effort on the part of the students. At the same time, the generation of fragmented knowledge due to the saturation of information, sounds and images that are not questioned within a reflexive and autonomous thought. All this is not a minor issue and it implies that we are in a society with new scenarios, new languages ​​and new actors that we want or not, affect in the classroom.