Using the curriculum and making it useful in practice should be a priority when managing classroom work. Classroom management should focus on generating effective opportunities in the classroom, programming coherent teaching units, making assertive, contextualized and sequenced decisions, organizing and planning according to the subject that learns, the contents, the methodological option, the evaluation, the context and teaching resources; without forgetting, by the way, the pressures and problems that affect it. It is not easy, especially in the complexity of the task of teaching that is affected by innumerable challenges within the system. Being an education professional means having certain knowledge, having commitment to the task that is exercised by controlling the practice in professional autonomy, basically, as Le Boterf (2001) points out, a professional knows how to manage a complex professional situation, knowing how to act and react with relevance, combining resources and mobilizing them in context, knows how to transfer and use their knowledge to model and interpret indicators in context, knows how to learn and learn to learn, also knows how to commit.