S I N C E 2 0 0 6 P A G E 11
Film Festival ( Continued )
� Paper People — The lives of a suicidal U . S . Marine , a single mother and her precocious daughter collide with incendiary results .
� Animation Hotline — Hardacre alum Dustin Grella animates short voicemail messages from around the world .
� Rose , Mary , and Time — Time travel gives a man the opportunity to save the love of his life .
� World Fair — A short documentary about personal memories , amateur cinematography , and visions of the future at the 1939 New York World ' s Fair .
The complete list of films and a schedule for the 2013 festival will be available online at hardacrefilmfestival . com . Moviegoers can also watch for updates on the Hardacre Facebook page and Twitter feed .
Several filmmakers from around the country will attend and interact with the audience following screenings . Hardacre patrons can enjoy a tasting of local wines and listen to area musicians during the Saturday sessions . Downtown Tipton comes alive Hardacre weekend with the Ridiculous Days sidewalk sale event , ensuring great shopping and a full weekend for attendees . The festival will distribute awards including Best Feature Narrative , Best Documentary , Best Short Film , Best Animated Film and the Audience Award , which is voted on by audience members during the festival and announced during the Wrap Party at the end of the festival . Award winners will be announced in late July .
The festival ’ s primary sponsors are the Tipton Chamber of Commerce and Produce Iowa . For more information about the Hardacre Film Festival , go to hardacrefilmfestival . com .
The Hardacre Theater Preservation Association ( HTPA ) will also give a short presentation at the festival about efforts to preserve the Hardacre Theater . For more information about the HTPA , go to thehardacre . org .
16th Annual Hardacre Film Festival Friday-Saturday , Aug . 2 and 3 Hardacre Theater 112 E 5th St . Tipton , Iowa Admission to any of Hardacre ’ s three programs — Friday Night , Saturday Day or Saturday Night ( including the Wrap Party )— is $ 8 each . An all-festival pass can be purchased for $ 20 at the box office . Films on Friday begin at 6 p . m . On Saturday , screenings will run all day , from 9 a . m . through 11 p . m .
For a full schedule or more information about the Hardacre Film Festival , go to hardacrefilmfestival . com .