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Hardacre Film Festival to Celebrate Its Sweet 16
Iowa ’ s Longest-Running Film Festival to Feature Worldwide Films and the People Who Made Them Aug . 2 and 3
TIPTON , Iowa — 81-year-old jewel thieves , scrap metal , tin men , life lessons , a life-changing windmill and the Live Music Capitol of the World are the subjects of films set to show at the Hardacre Film Festival , to be held in Tipton Aug . 2 and 3 . Iowa ’ s longest-running film festival , now celebrating its 16th year , will show films from all over the world — six feature-length films as well as short films . These include narratives , documentaries , animated and experimental films . The festival will be held at the historic Hardacre Theater in Tipton . “ We ’ re really excited to screen some of the hottest films from the 2013 film festival circuit at Hardacre , most of which have never been seen in the Midwest ,” said festival director Will Valet . “ We really strive to appeal to a wide audience , so there ’ s something for everybody at Hardacre .” Among this year ’ s highlights : Features :
� The Elders — Everyone IS a story , as this heartfelt documentary proves . Interviewing a handful of seniors about their loves , losses , and life lessons , “ The Elders ” yields important reminders about the best ways to live a life .
� The Life and Crimes of Doris Payne — How did a poor African American woman from segregated 1930s America become one of the world ’ s most notorious and successful jewel thieves ? This documentary presents unapologetic 81-year-old Doris Payne as her life of crime catches up to her .
� The Little Tin Man — This comedy-drama features Iowa native Aaron Beelner as a little person looking to score a big role in a remake of “ The Wizard of Oz .”
� Scrapper — This drama tells the story of Hollis , whose drive in life is to collect scrap metal to pay for the care of his aging mother . That life is turned upside down when he meets Swan , a teenage runaway .
� We Always Lie to Strangers — Five years in the making , this lively documentary follows the lives of performers in Branson , Missouri , “ the live music capitol of the world .” Their stories mirror a world-famous city dealing with economic uncertainty and changing social attitudes .
� William and the Windmill — The winner of the 2013 South by Southwest Grand Jury Prize for Documentaries profiles young Malawian William Kamkwamba , who builds a power-generating windmill from scrap parts , rescuing his family from famine and poverty and setting him on a life path he didn ’ t expect .
Shorts :
� Gun — A terrifying break-in prompts Roy to buy a handgun to protect his family , but the power he feels carrying the weapon leads down a path that may have tragic consequences . From director and former Iowan Spencer Gillis .
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