CKV Artfolio CKV Artfolio | Page 35

CA3- THE FIRST GRADER The First Grader is a film, directed by Justin Chadwick from a script by Ann Peacock. The film is based on a true story: an old man named Maruge, lives in Kenya and one day the government sets up ‘free education for all’. Maruge hears this and he wants to go to school and learn how to read. Maruge fought with the Mau Mau against the British, this was a big conflict that took place in Kenya between 1952 and 1960. Maruge wants to learn how to read because he wants to be able to read the letter he got from the government after he was released from the prison. Maruge fights hard for his right to free education, a teacher helps him in his fight and eventually they gain support. In the film there are a lot of flash back shown about Maruge’s earlier and harder struggle in the Mau Mau Conflict, you see how his family gets killed right in front of him and how he is tortured in the cruelest ways. It ends well with Maruge getting read his letter to him and getting more eduction. I’m quite sure I will remember this film for a long time. I liked this film and moreover this film taught me a lot and the information that it taught shocked me. I liked this film, because I sympathized with the old man. The man is very stubborn which made me like him because I’m stubborn too, also to see the cruelty done to the man made me sympathize with him because I felt sorry for him and I felt the need to help him. I liked this film, because I sympathized with the old man and seeing hum succeed made me happy. I also liked this film because of the children participating in it and because of the beautiful images of Kenya. I did some research and found that the children had never even seen a film or television set before let alone been involved in the filming process. Their involvement in the shoot was a totally new experience for them. The children were very energetic and very enthusiastic and this is shown beautifully while at the same time showing the Kenyan culture. The energy and the happiness of the children made me happy. So I liked this film