CKV Artfolio CKV Artfolio | Page 34

The final performed dance was Bench. I didn’t really like this dance at all. One dancer made other dancers fall and other dancers would pick each other up again. In the end, all the dancers would lie on the ground. I think it was about the destructive force of one man. Images of the world were shown on a digital screen behind the dancers. To me it was like Jennifer Muller wanted to show that people were destroying the world and that even though there are more people fighting for the world than people fighting against the world, the world can’t be fixed while people are fighting against it. I didn’t like this dance, because I don’t like the subject: the destructive force of man and nature. I also didn’t like this dance because the dance steps were very boring to watch and because I didn’t like the music. I think the biggest cause of my dislike was that it was very long and I had already watched three other dances. Overall, it was pretty nice. I thought I would not like ballet at all and I thought I would understand it better, but it was hard to find a story in the dancers and it was quite interesting to try and find it. Ballet is still something I would not watch for fun, but now I understand why others would.